~ chapter 11 ~

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The day started like any other Fourth of July, Bre had gotten up and was juicing oranges in her red, white and blue-themed dress. It was something Susannah had got her a few years ago and it still fitted her so she wore it every year. 

The house was quiet, only Bre and Conrad were up. But it was like this every year, usually the two of them were a bit more talkative but even without communicating they both got up at the usual time and started doing the things they prepared every year. This year though Bre could feel in her stomach she wanted to make this the best Fourth of July for Susannah. 

"Are you just doing Orange Juice or are you doing the tropical one like last year?" Conrad asked coming into the Kitchen with a bucket of corn. 

Bre walked over to the fridge and pointed at the jug of tropical juice already cooling in there. 

"Already done Connie" Bre felt bad as soon as let it slip. "Sorry it was a habit," Bre said going back to juicing the oranges. 

"No it's okay" Conrad said with a smirk on his face. Conrad started laughing to himself while going through the list on the counter. 

"Do you remember last year when Jeremiah fell in the pool with the flag and Laurel got so mad?" Conrad could barely get through the sentence without laughing. 

"Of Course, and how Laurelk didn't trust him to carry anything for the rest of the summer near the pool," Bre said smiling, it was the first genuine smile they'd both had across their face in a few weeks. 

"Is Nicole coming today?" Bre asked, she didn't mind Nicole. And wanted to get to know the girls more without having Belly around. 

"Yeah, I think so" Conrad's face dropped at the thought of Nicole it seemed. 

"What else is left on the list?' Bre asked finishing the last orange. Normally she'd do only one jug but she did more this year since they would be having company. 

"Um, well Jere is setting up the fireworks later and I have to dig the hole for the clam pit. But it's just setting up the table outside and that's all I think" Conrad said going do the list and ticking things off. 

"So we have time for a muffin run?" Bre asked with a smirk on her face. 

Bre was looking at Conrad's face looking for a response when he just started smiling as well. 

"We always have time for a muffin run?" Conrad said grabbing his keys, they both made their way to Conrad's car. 

It was like a familiarity they both had with doing this simple pleasure. It reminded them both of their childhood and that was what they both needed. 

"When do you leave for brown?" Bre asked as soon as Conrad pulled out of the driveway. 

"Uh few weeks after you guys leave, what about you?" Conrad asked still keeping his eyes on the road. 

"Probably the same, I haven't got the confirmation of my dorm yet but everything else has been accepted" Bre said nodding. The two teenagers sat in silence until they arrived at the bakery. It was quiet for the Fourth of July. Conrad held the door open for Bre, they were both standing looking at the options knowing exactly what they were going to get. 

"Can we..." They both said in sync, which sent them into a laugh. 

"Um, can we get some blueberry muffins and just some regular ones as well?" Conrad asked, they were both stood smiling at each other. For the first time, it didn't feel awkward, it just felt normal again. 

After they'd got the muffins and started driving home. Nothing felt this easy for them both in a long time. 

"You know I always thought that we'd help each other move into college, like meet other roommates" Bre said taking a big bite of one of the muffins. 

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