I could feel Belly move and sit down when I left. Maybe leaving is the best solution. 

The beach was peaceful in the morning. The sea air was still crisp but the sun shining down on the sea made it warmer. 

Just sitting in the sun made me feel lighter. 

"Mind if I sit?" Steven asked from behind me. He had a cup of coffee and was still in his pyjamas. 

I nodded. Steven was always a softy he never led on that he was but he was always there for me when I needed him to be. Even if he did just sit there while I cried or sat with me while I read. He was there for me quietly. 

"What Belly said was fucked" He muttered. 

I couldn't help but laugh. He didn't even sugarcoat it. 

"Just a bit" 

"You know you're our sister though right? Like if I'm ever in trouble I always phone you first and we argue like siblings. Because we are" Steven whispered the last bit. I couldn't help but cry. 

"You don't have to lie, Belly, Laurel even Conrad knows it. I'm here out of convenience" I said wiping my eyes and trying to stop crying. 

"You're not. Bre come on. Belly is too obsessed with the idea of Conrad right now. Mom doesn't want to lose you because it will be like losing her brother all over again and Conrad well he's too in love with you to think right" Steven said all of that in what felt like a breath. 

I looked out to the ocean and took a deep breath. Like I was waking up again. Letting all the air in. 

"I'm grateful you're my brother," I said pulling Steven into a hug. 

"Okay don't let Mom see us or she'll take a photo" He said laughing. 

"Thank you," I said pulling away from the hug. 

"I'm not gonna stop calling you when you're at college. Every day I'll phone you." Steven said smiling. 

"That's if I'm allowed to go," I said taking one big breath. 

"Mom was up all night researching with Susannah. I heard them talking about it" Steven said standing up and walking towards the house with me following. 


"Of course she was" He whispered noticing Laurel coming out of the house. 

"We need to go otherwise you'll be late. Are you ready?" Laurel said looking between us. 

"Yeah, I'm ready," I said smiling. 

"Good Luck," Steven said smiling. 

The car ride there was silent. Belly was sitting in the front and Laurel was driving so I as usual was in the back. 

"Have fun! See you, girls, when you're done" Laurel said as we both got out of the car. 

"Belly maybe we should talk?" I asked as both started walking towards the door. 

"Jeremiah! Jeremiah!" Belly was waving at him multiple times until he noticed us. 

"Damn girls. I almost didn't recognise you" Jeremiah said checking both the Conklin's out.

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