Kiss me Chaste

118 4 1

Prompt: "Whispering "I love you" before a chaste, delicate kiss."

Pair: Chef!SanjixReader
Relationship: Established
Word count: 324


One teaspoon of parsley.
Two tomatoes.
Three onions.
Four garlic cloves.
5 ounces of olive oil.

That's what he needed to make a good spaghetti sauce. The way it bubbled, smelled and mixed together was pure joy in a red sauce.

He could smell it was delicious. He could faintly remember its flavor and rich texture.

It would just taste perfect for him.

The pretty lady across the counter might enjoy it more than him. She was just brimming with excitement, almost like if she had all the life in the world at her fingertips.

God was cruel to him.

Putting such a tantalizing creature next to him, teasing him into making a move.

But he mustn't.

Not when he's trying to make a pasta dish.

For her.

Just for her.

"Mon petite amour, dinner will be done soon. You should wash up and get ready." He cooed, giving a wink to his beloved (Y/N). Tonight was their two year anniversary. The excitement was playing with his mind as

"Fine, but don't start without me!"

"You wound me, My love!"

"Oh, suck it up buttercup." She yelled back, making Sanji sigh happily as he finished his final food preparations. A dash of salt, dice a few more balls of mozzarella, the eclairs were already dusted and ready to eat- what was he missing!?

He felt hands snake up to his torso and turned him around slowly. He saw his love grab his tie tightly, just to pull him against her and pressing a soft kiss against the corner of his lip.

"I love you."

He found what he was missing.

A whole cup of her kisses.

He wasted no time, he leaned down to capture her lips more again and again while whispering praises and promises.

"I love you too..."

Soon they'd have to slightly reheat the food. They forgot the were making dinner. But that's okay, they have technology to keep things warm.

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