Kiss me Distracted

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Prompt: "Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead."

Pair: NamixReader
Relationship: established
Word count: 188


"One two three for five..."

Nami felt a kiss against her neck.

"Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five"

Another kiss, but this was pressed against her cheek.

"...forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven."

"Are you done?"

Another kiss, this time it was full on her lips. The suppleness with how you had kissed your girlfriend left her reeling for more. She leaned back and let out a contempt sigh pass through her lips as she kept kissing your lips silly. Her own mouth was not pressing against your lips, cheek, collarbone, neck, shoulder- anywhere she could find. If there was skin, she wanted to kiss it.

This lasted for a couple more minutes as she gave you a final peck and went back to work.

"...I have to count all over again..."

Nami could feel her blood boil a little and was about to tell you something, but you had made a mad dash to the exit before she could even say anything.

"I'll get you back for this..."she mumbled, thinking on all of the fun ways to kiss you silly while you were working and concentrated.

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