Kiss me Goodbye

170 15 6

Prompt: "A lingering kiss before a long trip apart."

Pair: KillerxReader
Relationship: Established
Word count: 565


"Do you have everything?"


"Your weapons?"


"Enough clothes for the trip?"



"...Why condoms?"

"Our captain likes to fuck around and find out a lot, so best be prepared for anything, babe."

With a grin on your lips, you saw how your helmeted boyfriend tilted his face downwards and let out a small chuckle. He was leaving for an adventure once more as his friend and captain wanted to explore another island.

You had decided to be one of the permanent residents on his hideout. Making you in charge of it while he and Killer were out conquering and discovering the world.

You didn't mind. You knew they always come back, hungry for your cooking and Killer would bring little gifts from places he visited.

It was nice when he came back home.

It was lonely when he left.

You were busy making the bed when you heard a click and a bit of shuffling while you were finishing the pillows.

You felt a scruffy chin on your shoulder and lips pressed against your neck and sighed.

"I don't want you to leave."

"Then come with me."

It was a tempting offer. But you had your duties to your captain and you had the guts to make sure they were done right in the island. You wouldn't be of any use on a ship that needs good fighters. You weren't the strongest fighter and you didn't need to put unnecessary worry to your boyfriend. You twisted your body so that you could meet him eye to eye.

"Kiss me."

"Yes, Ma'am."

It didn't feel like any of the other kisses you've shared with him. This one was soft, lips were pressed against your own softly and you felt your heart tighten. His hands were resting on the top of your bottom, holding you tighter as he deepened the kiss he was so obligated to participate in.

He broke the kiss only to hear you mumble 'Again.' And he complied. One of his hands traveled up to your hair and gently grabbed a fistful of the soft strands.

This was always the hard part for him. As the kiss culminated in soft pecks and mumbled promises, he pressed his forehead against yours and whispered sweet nothings.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I'd love it if you hurried the fuck up."

Of course, your captain was the only human in this island to walk inside Killer's room and be quiet. Just to interject at the right moment.

Party pooper.

"Aw, jealous I get to kiss Killer and you can't, Captain?"

"Why you lit-"

You giggled as you separated from Killer, walked up to the grumpy red head and kissed his cheek softly. Mumbling good luck and to be careful, with a grumble he gave you a pat on the head and nodded.

"Call if someone gives ya trouble ya hear me, Chief?"

"Will do, Captain."

With that, Captain Eustass Kid left the room, closing the door behind him.

"I guess we're all packed up and you're ready to go."

You mumbled, watching your now helmeted blonde, muscleman boyfriend pick up his bags and getting ready to leave.

"We're serious. You call if you're ever in danger and We'll make our way as fast as we can here or to wherever you are. Got it?"

"Aye aye, First Mate Killer."

"That's my girl."

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