Kiss me Shockingly

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Prompt: "An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it."

Pair: LawxReader
Relationship: not established
Word count: 389


The argument was getting heated, and not in a good way.

Law hated that you'd always overlook his medical opinion with your own medical opinion.

Doctors have different way of viewing things, and most of the time they're half right. You had skulked out of his office, furious with his lack of empathy regarding his own mental health plus sleeping problems and the clinical advice he gave to just ignore he had a problem.

Overlooking your degrees in psychology. Your licenses as a practiced psychiatrist and your field of focus on sleep.

He may be the best god damn surgeon in the all of the planet, but you knew the brain. Probably better than he did.

Why did he hire you if you had so much that he wasn't going to pay mine to?

This made you think that maybe the Strawhats would've made a better crew sometimes. Chopper wouldn't be grinding your gears like this.

Hell, assisting Marco would've made for better company.

You had to calm down, no one liked a stressed out psychiatrist.

You had made your way to the Polar Tang's library nook when you felt someone approach.


"With all due respect: Go suck an egg, Trafalgar." You hissed as you went inside, grabbing a book and sitting down to make notes. It didn't help that you had an attractive man in front of you but you did as best as you could to ignore your current hindrance.

"We need to talk, Doctor (Y/N)-ya."

"I told you, I don't want to."

"You leave me with no choice."

Before you could react, the man in question had pulled you out of your seat and kissed your lips firmly. Shocking you to the core as your eyes went wide and looked at him with some type of horror you couldn't describe.

Horror? No, that can't be right.

Delight? Most likely, yes.

Attraction? There is a hint. But it could be more animal magnetism than attraction.

As he parted from your lips, smirk on his face, he began to speak.

"Do you have a moment of your time to fit me above or under you, Miss (Y/N)-ya?"

You nodded. Blush radiating from your cheeks.

"Good. Meet me in my office at midnight. We have a LOT of things to go through."

Kiss me, you fool!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ