Kiss me Deeply

171 12 3

Prompt: "Deep kisses where they have their hands tangled in each other's hair to pull them closer."

Pair: IzoxReader
Relationship: Not Established
Word count: 626


"Can you help me with my makeup?"

It was innocent enough.

You had an innocent request and this beautiful man said, excitedly, that he has been waiting for this day for the longest time.

You never were one for putting on too much makeup, but he made it so effortlessly and he looked so beautiful that you couldn't resist.

"Wash your face first, darling, and come back. We have a lot of work to do!"

And so you did.

You were here for an hour in his room. You felt like the process would've been much shorter if he didn't explain how to use what and where to put it correctly. Steady hands did your primer, contour, eye shadow, cheeks and liner- and finally your lips.

"I'm going to use a fast drying lip paint, if you don't mind."

"You're the expert, do as you want!"

The small smile that adorned his normally poised face stretched bigger, excited to be given such liberties. Once he applied the lip stain he tousled up your hair and sprayed. Setting spray that had a little bit of glitter.

"Now, sweet girl, look at yourself in the mirror and tell me if you like it." Izo said, he didn't even have to look at you. He knew the worth of his work.

You were so surprised when you walked to the mirror and saw yourself. The way your facial structure changed with make up was impressive. Your brows had edges and your eyeliner was straight enough to kill a man or a woman. The way your eyelashes looked so long and your cheeks a rosy hue made you feel like a princess. Your lips were plump looking thanks to the lip paint but you weren't sure they were going to survive the night.

"Izo, not to take away from your work but I think the lip paint isn't dry enough."

"Oh? Then let's figure that out, shall we?"

You thought he was going to hand you a napkin to dab your lips against.

You thought he was going to press his soft fingers against your mouth.

How wrong you were.

In 3 seconds he got up from the bed he was sitting on, his hands went one around your waist while the other up to your cheek and his lips pressed firmly against yours.

A second from the initial shock had you responding back. Hands going up to his neck, lips locking against his and you could feel yourself get a bit heated by the exchange. His hand on your cheek went past your jaw and ear, slowly burying itself in your hair. The soft sounds you made allowed him to slip his tongue past your lips and deepen the kiss a little more.

The tip of his tongue gently coxing yours to come out and play, enticing your own appendage to dance this tango with him and you indulged him. You didn't notice that you were by the bed until you felt yourself tip over, causing you to stop your little activity with a giggle

"See? Not a single smudge." Izo said while your hands went up to his hair and gently pulled him back to you. Hands tangling themselves within the silky midnight black hair. Tendrils as soft as you imagined him having.Lip-locking yourselves back to how you were. You felt his hands touch your cheek and were fairly certain things would've escalated if it wasn't for the sharp knock in his door.

"Oi! All bodies on deck, Pops wants to talk to us before we go down to port-Yoi!"

"Fucking Marco." You heard Izo hiss mainly to himself, earnings giggle from you as you kissed his cheek.

"C'mon Commander, Let's go. We wouldn't want Marco to get a Hernia."

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