142 - Happiness is a choice

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I've been alright." Cassidy replied. "Just, of course, a lot of complicating family issues have gone down recently."

"The Mikaelsons have always been complicated." Marcel chuckled, gazing into the fireplace. "You gotta wonder what that says about me... that I've fought so hard to be one of them."

A silence fell over the two for a few seconds before Cassidy tore her eyes away from the fire to look at Marcel, a miserable expression across her face.

"My heart is broken..."

"I know, and it's my fault for that." Marcel said. "I've spent the last 13 years of my life, kicking myself day and night for what I put your mates through. They're your family and you love them... and so do I. I don't know why I hurt your mates when they were like my family, too. I hate myself for it. I've been dreaming of the day when we could sit and talk like we used to... the day when I can hold you in my arms and it would wash all of the fears away. Some days I'd still wake up from nightmares and try to reach out to you, because whenever I had a nightmare in the past, you would hold me until I fell asleep. It's never been the same for the last decade... I'm sorry."

"Marcel?" Cassidy slowly reached out and grabbed Marcel's hand. "My heart is broken, but all broken things can be fixed, right? Happiness is a choice. I won't ever be happy, truly, without my entire family."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying this..." Cassidy then passionately pressed her lips to Marcel's. Marcel responded after a moment of shock, his arms wrapping warmly around Cassidy and roaming up and down her sides as if adjusting to having her in his arms for the first time in 13 years. Nothing had changed. She still felt the same in his arms as she did all those years ago.

The two pulled away by wincing in pain, looking down at their wrists. Their names had returned to each other's wrists...

The two smiled at each other.

"Hey there, mate." Cassidy chuckled.

"Hello there, my beautiful angel."

"I'd say I've been more of a devil since we met, but I like it better when you call me angel." Cassidy grinned, pressing her lips to Marcel's once more.


Alexandria was doodling on the back of her hand with a sharpie, drawing small stars and love hearts, when a soft knock was heard on her bedroom door, followed by Elijah stepping into the room.

"Dad?" Alexandria put her sharpie aside to turn to her dad. "What's up?"

"You didn't think you could hide your wish from me, could you?" Elijah spoke. Alexandria stared back at him in confusion. "The wish burning ceremony... I saw your wish, Alexandria."

"You did...?"

"I did." Elijah nodded. He sat down beside Alexandria on the bed. "Everything is over, sweetheart. The drama, the seperating, all of it. We can live our lives in peace now, and... you and I will be spending every day together. All of us will... as a family."


"No buts." Elijah placed his hand on top of Alexandria's. "I always regretted missing those five years of your life. I missed out on you getting better control over your magic, and you finding out what love is, and you meeting your mate, and your mom told me all about your 'rock band' phase."

"She wasn't supposed to tell you that." Alexandria blushed in embarrassment. "What? Me, Lizzie, and Josie thought it would be cool to start a rock band! But we all got bored of it after a few months."

"Alexandria..." Elijah sighed. "I promise you, I will not miss out on any other parts of your life. I will be there with you, walking you down the aisle on your wedding day... I will be there for you in the hospital when you are in labour, begging to be the first one to hold my grandchild. I want to be there for all of it, and I will be."

"Promise?" Alexandria began to tear up.

"I promise. Come here, sweetheart..." Elijah then pulled Alexandria into his arms, holding his only daughter close to him, and Alexandria feel incredibly warm and safe in the arms of her father. "Now... more important matters to discuss." Elijah pulled away from the embrace. "I believe you need to tell me all about your vampire mate. Milton Greasley, was it?"

"I call him MG, and he prefers it. He doesn't like his name." Alexandria informed. Elijah smirked.

"I can see why. His name is Milton."

"Dad! That's mean!" Alexandria laughed, nudging her dad. Elijah also let out a chuckle and he listened for a solid hour after that as Alexandria began telling stories upon stories to her dad, filling in him on all of the things that he missed out on in her life. He vowed to make it up to her, and he did. He was there through every big change in her life. Marriage, kids... Elijah was by her side through all of it.

And he had finally proved to Alexandria... that he really wasn't going anywhere.


If you have any questions about plots or characters that might have been a bit confusing for you during this book, either message me on here or just leave your question in the comments and I will be sure to answer.
-L xx

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