45 - I had no idea who I really was

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 45 (4x07)
Word Count: 1958

A hybrid named Kimberley was chained up in the barn. Cassidy and Hayley both stood nearby and watched her. Kimberley ran into the barn wall and broke a few boards.

"Scream. Let it out. We're at an abandoned farm. No one can hear you for miles." Hayley instructed in an almost bored tone.

"Easy for you to say, wolf girl. You never turned twenty times in a row." Kimberley grunted out in pain.

"No, but I watched a bunch of your hybrid friends go through it." Hayley mentioned with a light smile, and Cassidy tried to suppress a laugh. The sweating Kimberley shot her a glare, falling to the ground, yelling in pain.

"Why are you even here?! You're not a wolf!"

Cassidy went to snap back at her but Hayley beat her to it.

"Hey, don't start. She's with me, alright?"

Kimberley didn't respond. She just groaned in pain, trying to stand up but failing miserably each time as her bones continued to snap and break.

"Why's it have to be like this? Why break every bone over and over?!"

"That's what the sire bond is. You're grateful to Klaus because he released you from the pain of having to turn every full moon. So, you're gonna keep turning until it doesn't hurt and you'll have nothing to be grateful for." Hayley explained.

"What's in all of this for you?" Kimberley scowled. Hayley hesitated and didn't answer the question. Cassidy noticed and jumped in.

"We don't hear bones cracking."

Hayley shot her a grateful glance while Kimberley simply glared at her, continuing to turn over and over again. Tyler walked into the barn, turning to Cassidy.

"Cass, you have the chance to buy us another day. Klaus is looking for you. He wants to take you to the Miss Mystic Falls pageant tonight."

"What? I didn't think he'd want to go to that." Cassidy frowned slightly. "I already said yes to 'Lijah taking me."

"Well, now you have two dates. Congratulations." Tyler replied. "I'll make you a deal. Klaus informed me that Kol and Rebekah are going together as siblings, and if you are going with Elijah, you can take Klaus with you too and I'll take Hayley as friends so we're not dateless. Is that good enough for you, princess?"

"Fine." Cassidy chuckled. "Thanks, Ty. Take good care of my girl tonight." Ever since Cassidy had met Hayley, she'd also gotten much closer to Tyler since Hayley and Tyler were good friends. She wasn't complaining. Tyler was actually a pretty good friend to have. "I better go speak with Nik and 'Lijah. See you guys later." She skipped over to Hayley, pressing a kiss to her lips, and then glanced at Kimberley. "Have fun with the bone breaking, ickle Kimmy."

"Go to hell, witch!" Kimberley yelled, groaning in pain as both of her wrists snapped. Cassidy frowned, very offended, and turned to glare at Kimberley, but the second that she took a step forward, Hayley quickly stepped in between the two.

"No fighting, more turning." She turned away from Kimberley to Cassidy. "See you later, babe." With one last kiss, Cassidy turned and left to find Klaus and Elijah.


Cassidy walked into the pageant and looked around. She'd agreed that she'd meet her mates there since she took extra long getting ready. Elijah was sat at a table, drinking with Kol and Rebekah, Hayley was just walking around with Tyler, and Klaus seemed to be suffering from one of Caroline's lectures. Cassidy chuckled and walked over to Caroline and Klaus.

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