101 - This isn't my home anymore

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 101 (3x07/7x07)
Word Count: 2163

When Cassidy got the urgent message from Caroline, she found herself traveling all the way back to Mystic Falls in a heartbeat.

Fancy a trip back to Mystic Falls for the weekend? It's URGENT.
Ps: Bring Hope, Leo, and Alex. I miss them.

Cassidy found herself hurrying through the door to the Forbes residence at 4 in the morning, pushing a sleeping Hope and Leo in their twin pram, and with a sleeping Alexandria strapped to her chest.

"Caroline?" Cassidy whisper-shouted in hopes of not waking up her children. "Care, I know you're home. I can hear you."

"Cassidy?" Caroline came stumbling down the stairs, rubbing her eyes. "It's 4 in the morning. When I asked you to come to Mystic Falls, I meant when the sun is out."

"Sorry, it sounded urgent." Cassidy muttered, struggling to control the pram while also keeping a hand on Alexandria. Caroline hurried down the stairs.

"Here, let me help." Caroline took the pram and took Hope and Leo out of it, carrying the almost-two-year-olds to the play pen that still resided in the living room and hadn't been touched. "I did buy a cot for Alex but I was going to put it up today. I thought you were coming later. But now that you're here... I'll text Bonnie and Alaric."

"Why?" Caroline furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Caroline, what is going on? Why did I have to rush all the way down from New Orleans?"

"It's worth it, I promise." Caroline put her phone away after texting Bonnie and Alaric, grabbing Cassidy's hand and leading her over to the couch, the two sitting down. "They're not going to get the message until they wake up, so we have a few hours to kill. What's been going on in New Orleans? Any Mikaelson drama?"

"Close. Mikaelson ex drama." Cassidy told, lifting Alexandria out of the carrier strapped to her chest, placing the one year old down in between her and Caroline. At the confused look her little sister shot her, Cassidy decided to elaborate. "Nik's ex lover from a thousand years ago, Aurora, decided to waltz right into New Orleans, determined to win Nik back, and she's already tried to kill me once."

"What?!" Caroline's eyes widened in shock and worry. Cassidy released a sigh and nodded. "Well, are you okay?"

"That's actually a really funny question... I don't know." Cassidy said. "When Aurora literally stabbed me in the stomach, I was petrified that she'd just killed my babies. Like, after she left and the realisation dawned on me, I was physically ill with worry... but after I could still hear their heartbeats and I knew that both of them were alright, I didn't understand how when Aurora staked me right through my bump. I asked Freya about it and she did some research. Obviously it was hard to find. No witch makes a book about the unborn babies survival instincts of a heretic and an original... but she did find something. Apparently, due to both mine and Kol's family having witches in them, and since Kol did tap into his magic before he became a vampire, the combined magic of our two bloodlines creates some sort of weird magical barrier around our children that literally prevents any harm from coming to them. That barrier will break once they are born though. At least now I don't have to worry if something will happen to them. I can keep a better eye on them when they're born."

"That's really good news, Cassie." Caroline smiled. "But that doesn't explain why the third baby... suffered..."

"Freya didn't have an answer for that either." Cassidy frowned. "She just kind of made the assumption that the third baby would have been born without magic so the magical safety barrier didn't reach it. You know, like a squib in Harry Potter."

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