74 - Maybe someday

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 74 (2x02)
Word Count: 727

After managing to get Kaleb's number so the two could become friends, Cassidy had just ended her FaceTime with Rebekah (where she was able to see how well her twins are growing up), she got a text from him.

You hungry? Now-ish?

I'm free. Might be a little late. Gimme 10 mins.

Alright, see you then.

Cassidy was about to go meet her new human friend and she hadn't fed since yesterday morning. She was new at the whole heretic thing and forgot to feed sometimes. She walked downstairs and to the fridge where the stash of blood bags was, grabbing three. She placed two into her bag for later, just in case, and drank from the first one, finishing the entire bag fairly quickly. She hung around for a minute or two just to make sure she'd be okay around humans and to get the thought of blood out of her head, and then she left to meet Kaleb, quickly texting her mates so they knew where she was.


Cassidy was sitting at a table with Kaleb, and the two were getting to know each other.

"My family? Oh, no. They're all crazy as loons." Kaleb smirked as if he was hiding something. "How about your family?"

"Not much to say. Parents divorced when I was 3. Lived with my mom and my younger sister. My mom was the Sheriff so I practically raised my sister alone." Cassidy shrugged. "But I love my family and I would never change it."

"Mommy issues, eh? Bet she's a control freak, right?" Kaleb asked. Cassidy let out a chuckle.

"My mom isn't too bad, most of the time. It is my little sister that's the control freak."

"Ah, okay." Kaleb nodded. "Well, my mom is. She's the reason I stopped practicing magic for so long."

"You're a witch?" Cassidy asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Don't look so surprised. I didn't just ask you out because you're gorgeous." Kaleb grinned at her. "No, we're, uh... we're kindred spirits."

"Um, I'm sorry if I'm making this super awkward, but, um... I'm unavailable." Cassidy informed. Kaleb's grin didn't falter, though.

"Oh, I know that. I know your story, Cassidy. I mean, you're practically famous. The siphon witch turned into a heretic, a very powerful one at that, and was blessed with the gift of eight mates, one of which is yet to be discovered." Kaleb stated. Their conversation was interrupted, however, by Cassidy's phone ringing. She looked down at it to see that it was Caroline.

"Oh, I better take this. It could be important. My sister doesn't call for the hell of it."

"No, yeah, of course." Kaleb nodded. Cassidy smiled at him and left to go answer the call. When Kaleb was alone, a man with dark skin and a small beard, tall with his hands shoved into his pockets, walked up to him.

"Really? You chose to dine with your mate rather than go and question Davina like we planned?"

"No, that's not creepy at all, Finncent... watching me on my own date." Kaleb rolled his eyes and sighed. It was revealed that the man was Finn, but he had been resurrected to life in the body of another, going as a man named Vincent. Finn/Vincent huffed, annoyed.

"This isn't a date, Kol. She still thinks that you are dead, and we need to keep it that way."

"Why? She'll be happy to know I'm alive!" Kaleb/Kol exclaimed. Finn/Vincent rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure she would be, but that isn't a part of the plan. Maybe someday."

"Yeah." Kaleb/Kol sighed, glancing to where Cassidy was on the phone in the corner of the bar. "Someday. Now get out of here."

Rolling his eyes one more time, Finn/Vincent walked off, and only moments later, Cassidy returned to the table. Kaleb/Kol smiled at her once he saw she was smiling.

"You seem happier. What happened?"

"Nothing. Just found out someone who betrayed me, repeatedly, is dead. He was my best friend, but after all the damage he'd caused me, I was just going to target his mate. Now, I don't have to. He's gone." Cassidy grinned. Damon didn't make it back from the Other Side and Caroline had just informed her.

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