37 - No bones broken... I think

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 37 (3x21)
Word Count: 3218

It was morning. After much begging from Caroline, Cassidy had eventually agreed to go into school with her sister and help clean up after the dance.

"Tyler said he's ditching the clean up committee today. Urgent hybrid sire business." Caroline huffed as the Forbes sisters headed through the hall. "I know that Klaus is your mate and you'd side with him over Tyler, but do you think that Tyler will be okay around Klaus? Because Klaus is starting to get suspicious that Tyler isn't sired to him anymore, and--"

"Care, we've been through this." Cassidy rolled her eyes as they neared the cafeteria. "Tyler isn't your mate. He's not the one who you should be worrying about. I get that you love him, but--"

"Exactly! I love him, and he loves me, and until I do find my mate, Tyler is the one I want to be with." Caroline informed stubbornly. Cassidy sighed and decided to drop it, and only moments after that, a noise was heard that had both sisters turning around and searching for the source of the noise. They saw nothing.

"Hello?" Caroline called out. No response.

"It was probably an open window in a classroom, letting all the wind in." Cassidy shrugged. "Let's just get this over with. I don't want to be stuck cleaning all day." Caroline nodded in agreement and the two walked into the cafeteria... only to see Rebekah already in there, cleaning up the mess from the dance.

"Bekah!" Cassidy smiled at the sight of her mate. "What are you doing here?"

"Surprised?" Rebekah smirked. "Thought I'd lend a hand. Is that alright?"

"That's great, actually. Thank you!" Cassidy hurried forward to kiss Rebekah. Caroline, however, was glaring at the Original.

"Once you two have finished being all lovey-dovey, you can tell me where the hell Matt is."

"He bailed." Rebekah told Caroline. "Got called into work at the last minute."

"Are you kidding me? So, it's just us?" Caroline scoffed. Cassidy, she was perfectly fine with. Rebekah, not so much.

"Lighten up, guys. Let's just get on with it." Cassidy said, heading over to empty out the trash. Caroline sighed in defeat, dropping the glare as she turned to Rebekah.

"I'm sorry about your mom. I mean, I know you like, hated her and everything, but still... I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy." Rebekah responded softly, and Cassidy smiled at the two finally getting along for once.

"Yeah. He was." Caroline nodded sadly at the memory of Alaric's recent passing.

"I'm gonna get started on the gym. I could use some company, gorgeous." Rebekah turned to Cassidy, who smiled and nodded.

"Sure thing. I'll catch up with you in a bit, Care."

Cassidy left the cafeteria with Rebekah, walking down the hallway together. But the second that they turned the corner, they faltered at the person stood there as if they had been waiting for the mates.

Alaric Saltzman. Dead Alaric Saltzman.

"You're supposed to be dead." Cassidy's eyes widened at the sight of her old teacher. Alaric smirked evilly.

"I am!"

Now vampire Alaric Saltzman.

Rebekah rushed at Alaric, but Alaric effortlessly threw her against the locker. He raised the white oak stake above his head, prepared to stake Rebekah, but he was suddenly collapsing to his knees in pain. Cassidy had rushed over and was literally trying to suck the life out of Alaric, her siphoning hand gripping his shoulder tightly.

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