89 - How far would you really go for her?

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 89 (2x17)
Word Count: 2940

A/N: Before I get comments bashing on Cassidy's motherhood, I'd just like to point out that she loves all three of her kids equally, even if she is going to start spending more time with Alexandria. Not only because she is a newborn and needs the attention, but because Cassidy wasn't involved in the first year of Hope and Leo's life and so she is going to try and make up for that by being in Alexandria's life more! If that makes sense❤️
-L xx


Klaus was staring at the painting of Rebekah from several centuries ago when Cassidy walked up to him, a sleeping Alexandria in her arms. When Klaus noticed her, he smiled, leaning in for a quick kiss, careful not to disturb his niece/step-daughter.

"Hey, Nik. Where is Elijah?" Cassidy asked. "Alex has been extra fussy this morning. Maybe he could lend a hand."

"He's gone to speak to Josephine LaRue to see if she knows anything about the body that Rebekah is residing in." Klaus informed, glancing back at the painting of his younger sister. Moments later, Freya arrived and joined them. She stared at the painting with affection.

"Our sister was quite the beauty."

"You said that you could put Rebekah back in her original body." Klaus sighed, turning to face Freya. "Do it."

"Nik, manners." Cassidy scolded her mate before turning to smile at another one of her mates. "Morning, Frey." She walked over to kiss Freya's cheek. "What Nik meant to say was: Is there anyway we could possibly speed up the process of putting Rebekah back in her body? We're all missing the real her..."

"I meant what I said." Klaus huffed. "Eva Sinclair has resumed control of her body, leaving Rebekah trapped and powerless. So, make with your spells and enchantments and put my sister back in her true body!"

"Nik!" Cassidy whisper-shouted, gesturing down to Alexandria in her arms as an indicator for him to lower his voice so she didn't wake up. Klaus glanced at her apologetically.

"The problem is Rebekah's condition has worsened." Freya informed, causing worry to flood Cassidy. "When I offered to help, she was in control of Eva's body. She's lost inside Eva. I don't have a spell that could breech Eva's mind and find her."

"Fortunately for you, I know someone well-versed in such spells." Klaus smirked, and then glanced at Cassidy. "Do please tell me, love... where is the Bennett witch right now?"

"Bonnie was watching Hope and Leo but she wanted to spend time with her mate so Cami has taken over. I think Bonnie went into town with Enzo and Care." Cassidy stated. "We're not disrupting her mate time, Nik. Know any other witch?"

"Just one." Klaus shrugged, and then glanced at Freya again. "How would you feel about meeting our mother at last? I assume you have plenty to say to her."


After Hayley offered to look after Alexandria, Klaus brought Cassidy and Freya to the cemetery, where he led them into the Lyonne tomb. The second that the three entered the main room of the tomb, Klaus threw two blood bags into the dark corner with a smirk, and Freya took a step toward it, clearly curious as to who was there. After a moment, a hand reached out and grabbed one of the blood bags to gulp it down quickly before throwing it aside and chugging the second. The owner of the hand gripping the blood bag soon came into view, and Freya's eyes widened once she realized it was her mother, and she quickly turned to leave, only to be stopped by Klaus.

"No! No!" Freya shook her head, horrified.

"Mother? Freya. Freya? Mother." Klaus reintroduced after 1000 years. Esther, who still looned very desiccated, looked at them both in confusion as she took in the sight of her eldest child.

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