21 - I could have killed her

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 21 (3x05)
Word Count: 3143

Klaus, Cassidy, Elijah, Rebekah, and Stefan entered Mystic Falls High at night, where many students were roaming the halls for Senior prank night, including Elena... and Caroline, who Cassidy was dreading seeing again in case she cried. The twins had gone a whole summer apart, which is longer than they had ever been away from each other.

With a sigh, Klaus turned to glance at Cassidy, and then redirected his attention Rebekah.

"Sister, if you please keep an eye on our mate while I go huntING doppelgängers, it will be much appreciated."

"With pleasure." Rebekah takes ahold of Cassidy's hand gently with a smile. Klaus nods.

"Good. You two will go and find Tyler Lockwood and his little girlfriend. They will be together. Snap the girl's neck for all I care, but keep Tyler alive. Bring him into the gym on my cue."

"Yes, yes. I understand, brother."

"You two." Klaus turned to Elijah and Stefan. "Let's go doppelgänger hunting."


As Cassidy gripped onto Rebekah's hand, the two mates walking down the hall together, Rebekah noticed Cassidy's tight grip on her hand and turned to face the blonde siphoner. Cassidy's breathing was slightly heavy and nervousness evidently clouded her features. Rebekah frowned in concern.

"Is everything alright, gorgeous?"

"Hm? Oh, yes." Cassidy snapped out of it. "I just haven't seen my sister all summer is all, and I left her with nothing but a rushed goodbye letter with promises of potentially seeing me again in the future. She probably hates me."

"Hate is a strong word, and no soul would ever find it in them to hate someone as special as you. Especially your sister." Rebekah reassured. "But if you really do not want to see her, I don't mind if you sit this one out. You are free to wait in one of the classrooms until this is all over."

"No. No, it's fine." Cassidy drew in a sharp breath and put on a weak smile. "I want to see her."

"Well, then, you're in luck. There she and the wolf boy are now." Rebekah pointed further down the corridor, where Tyler and Caroline were locked in a make-out against a locker. Cassidy wrinkled her nose up in disgust... especially since Tyler and Caroline weren't mates so both of them were basically just leading the other on. Rebekah smirked and gently squeezed Cassidy's hand as a sign that it was show time. Together, the mates approached the kissing couple, who hadn't noticed them. Getting impatient, Rebekah decided to make a comment.

"You two are adorable."

Immediately, Caroline and Tyler looked over. Caroline's eyes locked on Rebekah first.

"Uh, do we know you?" But then, Caroline's eyes shifted down to Rebekah's hand connected with another person's, and then let her eyes travel over to the person by Rebekah's side. Her eyes widened and she inhaled sharply in shock. "Cassie...?"

"Hi, Care. Good summer?" Cassidy tried to make the situation any lighter, but all that came out afterwards was a nervous, quiet chuckle. Caroline didn't respond, her eyes never leaving her older sister, still in shock at seeing her again after an entire summer. Cassidy awkwardly cleared her throat. "Um, this is my third mate, Rebekah. I met her during our trip down to Chicago. We got to travel a hell of a lot this summer."

"Well, good for you." Caroline snapped bitterly. Cassidy immediately looked down sadly, her heart aching. She knew that Caroline would be mad at her... Rebekah gave Cassidy's hand a squeeze as a silent way of asking if she was okay, and Cassidy squeezed back twice as a reassurance that she was fine. Not perfect, but fine.

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