88 - Kai could be a unisex name!

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 88 (2x16)
Word Count: 2102

A/N: Raise your hand if you love Elijah! ✋️🏻


"I really want to help you, Bekah, but I can't do magic. I'm almost nine months pregnant, remember? I can't do much without risking siphoning from my baby instead of my vampirism whenever I cast a spell." Cassidy reminded, laying in bed.

"Please, gorgeous." Eva/Rebekah placed her hand on top of Cassidy's. "I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't desperate for answers. I know how bed-ridden you've been. But you won't have to do any magic, just research. No one can work their way around a grimoire quite like you can."

"Bonnie is right downstairs with Enzo, Hope, and Leo. You should try asking her for help." Cassidy slowly managed to sit up in her bed, a hand on her large baby bump. "Beware... Caroline will be up any second for her hourly check up on m--"

"Rebekah! We agreed no mates when it's Cassie's nap time! You're distracting her from her much-needed sleep!" Caroline scolded, hands on her hips as she barged into the room. Eva/Rebekah sighed, defeated, and went to leave, but Cassidy prevented her from doing so by grabbing her hand and turning to smile at Caroline.

"I appreciate that you're keeping me nice and healthy, Care, but can you please give Bekah and I a few minutes to talk?"

"Five minutes. I'm counting." Caroline huffed, turning and leaving. Cassidy sighed and turned back to Eva/Rebekah.

"You heard her. Five minutes. What've you got for me?"

"I'm having dreams... no, they're more than dreams. I came here hoping you'd have some witchy way to figure out what's wrong and help me fix it." Eva/Rebekah admitted.

"Dreams?" Cassidy's eyebrows shot up. "Not my specialty. But I do know a certain someone who is great with visions and dreams. I'll tell her to come over."

"This certain someone couldn't possibly be a petite little thing, about yey high, blue eyes, cute button nose, who took part in the Harvest ritual a few years ago, could it?" Eva/Rebekah guessed with a knowing look. Cassidy giggled and smiled, reaching over to grab her phone.

"The very one." She dialed Davina's number, holding her phone up to her ear.


"What happens to be the problem?" Davina plopped down on Cassidy's bed, snuggling into the pregnant heretic's side while glancing at Eva/Rebekah.

"I think the rightful owner of this body is waking up inside me, and she's angry." Eva/Rebekah muttered nervously.

"I could only buy so much time from Caroline before she'll come up again." Cassidy turned, wrapping an arm around Davina, who rested her head on Cassidy's shoulder in the bed. "Did you bring the books, Vina?"

"Every last one." Davina quickly sat up to grab her bag and pull out a few books. "These are some spell books that I stole from Esther after I invaded her 'headquarters' a few nights back, looking for anything that could help my magic grow. These spell books were the closest I came."


The three spent a good half an hour looking through the spell books, despite Caroline coming up every five minutes to demand that Cassidy get some rest soon, and eventually, they came up with no solutions or possible ways to prevent Rebekah's dreams of Eva Sinclair coming back into her own body.

"Thanks for trying, Davina, I appreciate it." Eva/Rebekah sighed and rose to her feet. She went to head to the door, but the second she tried to walk, Eva/Rebekah was suddenly overcome by a wave of pain as Eva fought to get control of her body again. Eva/Rebekah leant against Cassidy's bedroom wall to get her bearings as Cassidy and Davina both watched her in concern, but as soon as Eva/Rebekah tried to leave the bedroom again, she doubled over from the force of the next pulse of resistance from Eva.

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