128 - I can feel her love for you

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 128 (4x12)
Word Count: 1702

Kisses were being pressed to Cassidy's throat while she tried to get dressed, causing her to laugh with a grin.

"'Lijah, we've been having our fun all night. Aren't you tired? I know I am."

"Tired of spending my every minute with you?" Elijah grinned against Cassidy's neck. "Never."

"Get to bed, bloodsucker." Cassidy joked, pulling her neck away from Elijah's lips long enough to pull her top over her head. "I'll be back in a few minutes to join you. I'm just going to check on the kids."

"Alright." Elijah gave in with a sigh, laying down on the bed. Cassidy smiled and leant over to press a final kiss to Elijah's lips before heading to the door.

"Don't fall asleep without me."

"I cannot promise anything, darling." Elijah was already drifting off which caused Cassidy to scoff in amusement.

"See? I knew you were tired!" With that, she left the room to head to Andrea's nursery first, peaking her head inside, her heart melting at the sight.

Andrea was lay securely in Hayley's arms, both of them fast asleep. Hayley was holding Andrea in her sleep as if shielding her from the horrors of the world, and it was such a sight. Cassidy crept in to press a kiss to both Andrea's and Hayley's foreheads before heading to Clara and Julia's room next. Although the house was big enough for their own rooms, the two had insisted on still sharing.

When Cassidy peaked into the room, she saw that the girls were both still fast asleep. It was only 7am, so Cassidy decided to let them have another hour or two of sleep before she would wake them up. But before Cassidy to head over to Alexandria's room to check on her, she found the small blonde walking towards her, rubbing her tired blue eyes.

"Alex?" Cassidy knelt in front of her second eldest daughter. "Honey, it's still early. For you, anyway. Why aren't you still in bed?"

"I had a bad dream that an evil spirit took Hope's body and made her do very mean things." Alexandria whispered, her eyes wide in fear. "I don't want Hope to be taken, mom."

"It was just a bad dream..." Cassidy reassured, hugging her daughter comfortingly. "Tell you what. I'll go check on Hope and make sure that no evil spirit is in the room, and you can go cuddle with your dad. He has the power to get rid of bad dreams, you know?"

"He does?" Alexandria's eyes widened eagerly, which caused Cassidy to smile.

"Yep. Just tell him that mom said a kiss and a cuddle will help you sleep tight."

"Okay. Thank you!" Alexandria hugged Cassidy one more time before running off to Elijah's room.

After Cassidy had checked on Leo, who was busy playing with his toy trains, she headed to Hope's room. Hope was awake and sat on her bed, her drawing pad and pencils littering the bed, so Cassidy smiled and approached her eldest daughter, sitting on the bed beside her.

"Hey, sweetie..." Cassidy kissed the side of Hope's head. "Drawing something?"

"Yes." Hope muttered quietly. Cassidy looked at the drawing, which wasn't even a drawing. Hope held a pencil in her hand and looked to be drawing a picture, but the pencil barely skimmed the paper. Cassidy frowned in confusion.

"What's that supposed to be? A snowstorm?" But Hope didn't reply, so Cassidy moved on. "So, Alex had a scary dream about you last night, isn't that funny? She said you were being taken away by an evil spirit or something, so I promised her that I'd come and banish all evilness from your room." Cassidy chuckled, expecting Hope to do the same, but she didn't. Hope didn't even look up from her drawing pad. "Hope? You okay, honey?"

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