8 - You're not just any girl

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 8 (2x14)
Word Count: 1327

A few days had come and gone to the point where Cassidy was practically living with Elijah. She visited home every day to check on her mother and sister, but other than that, she slept over at Elijah's. Despite having sleepovers every night, Elijah had still been a top notch gentleman and wanted their first time to be perfect, but Cassidy was starting to get impatient to complete the mate bond...

Cassidy stood in front of the mirror, fixing her dress, when Elijah walked over and kissed her cheek from behind, causing Cassidy to smile at their reflections.

"You look stunning, darling."

"Thank you." Cassidy smiled. "But do we really have to go to this tea party?"

"I promised Carol Lockwood, and you promised you would be my date." Elijah reminded as he fixed his tie. "But if you are really not up for it, I will let you stay here until my return."

"No. No, it's okay." Cassidy sighed. "I'm already dressed now anyway. Let's go."

Elijah smiled at her and held out his hand, causing Cassidy to smile back and slide her hand into his. The two left.


The Historical Society's Tea Party had commenced. Elijah and Cassidy had spent the first part of the evening talking and laughing together, but he eventually went off to speak with Carol and Cassidy went off to speak with Jenna.

"I feel like we haven't properly hung out in ages." Cassidy pointed out, and Jenna nodded in agreement.

"Not since I walked into a knife." At that, the two laughed, until Damon walked in. Jenna looked surprised to see him there. "Damon, what are you doing here?"

"Rose forced me to go. She figures I need to... be more outgoing and understanding towards the humans, or something stupid like that." Damon shrugged, his hands in his pocket, then walked off.

"He's a lovesick puppy when it comes to Rose." Cassidy laughed.

"She's that new girl in town that he's been seeing, right?" Jenna asked, and Cassidy nodded. "Wait, since when did Damon starting talking to Elijah?"

"Since never..." Cassidy told, confused, but spun around to see that Damon was approaching Carol and Elijah. "I'll be right back." She hurried over to them, just in time to see introductions take place as Carol introduced Damon and Elijah to eachother, not knowing that they'd already met.

"Hi. Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. His family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families."

"Mm-hm. Such a pleasure to meet you."

"No. Pleasure's mine." Damon and Elijah shook hands.

"Oh! And Elijah, this is my shining star!" Carol grabbed Cassidy's hand with a smile. "I don't pick favourites, but... Cassidy was definitely the best Miss Mystic Falls that this town has ever had. She has outstanding potential, this one. Cassidy, this is Elijah Smith."

"Actually, we've already met." Elijah informed, taking Cassidy's hand and kissing the back of it. Cassidy smiled and mouthed 'Smith?', and all Elijah did in return was wink at her. Cassidy let out a silent laugh of amusement.


Cassidy was still talking to Carol, and they were joined by Jenna and Andie, but Damon and Elijah were no where in sight. Cassidy had been glancing around the room for them for a solid five minutes, but nothing. Until... the door of the study opened and Elijah walked out, wiping his hands with a handkerchief to get rid of what looked like blood. Cassidy excused herself and walked over.

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