24 - I miss my family

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 24 (3x08)
Word Count: 4109

"Why are we here again?" Rebekah asked as she and Cassidy sat on the school field together. Cassidy was sat in front of Rebekah, leaning back against her mate, while Rebekah had her arms wrapped around Cassidy from behind. The two were watching the cheerleaders practice.

"I promised my sister I'd observe and give my feedback on her routine." Cassidy shrugged, glancing across the field to where the perky cheerleading captain, Caroline, was demonstrating a few of the basic moves.

"Why didn't you choose to be a cheerleader?" Rebekah whispered into Cassidy's ear, placing a kiss on the siphoner's temple from where she sat behind her. "You would look stunning in that uniform, gorgeous."

Cassidy smiled and went to reply, but she immediately shut up once she saw none other than Elena Gilbert approaching the two mates.


Rebekah followed Cassidy's gaze, saw Elena, and huffed in frustration. Once Elena had finally reached them, Cassidy and Rebekah finally decided to stand up, brushing the grass off of them. Elena watched their every move closely.

"I see you two are going nice and public. You don't feel ashamed?"

"I am going to pretend like that didn't sound extremely homophobic. Just because you can't man up and face your own mate, don't go insulting mine." Cassidy snapped, glaring at the doppelgänger. Rebekah held back a chuckle at Elena's surprised expression, smirking in amusement. Elena stammered for words.

"M-me and Damon are none of your business!"

"He's my best friend. He tells me everything." Cassidy mentioned with a smirk at being always one step ahead of Elena in her own relationships. "I know you didn't come here for a little chit chat, and to criticize a girl-girl relationship. What is it that you want, Gilbert?"

"I haven't come here for you." Elena scowled, and then glanced at Rebekah, who was silently watching the pair in amusement. "I am here to speak with you."

"Goody." Rebekah muttered sarcastically, and Cassidy couldn't help but laugh. Elena glared at the two, but Rebekah was unbothered and continued anyway. "About what? Have you come up with more insults directed towards me and my girlfriend? Because, if that is the case, your heart will be in my hands in a matter of seconds."

"I, um, I..." Elena stuttered fearfully for many moments, before drawing in a breath and composing herself, radiating fake confidence. "Actually, I'd rather talk about this." She held up a photo of Rebekah's name written in Runic on a cave wall. "I'm curious why you, Klaus, and Elijah have spent a thousand years running from your father."

"Are you seriously trying to get involved in a family that want nothing to do with you, Elena?" Cassidy asked in disbelief. "Stop digging for answers! If they wanted the whole world to know about their father, they would have shouted it from the rooftops. Now, keep your innocent act and take it far away from their private business." She took Rebekah's hand after noticing that Rebekah had frozen in shock at the mention of her psychotic father. "Elena's not worth your time, Bekah." But as the two went to walk away, it seemed like Elena wasn't quite done with them, calling after the mates in an attempt to make them stop and listen. Which they did.

"Well then, maybe I'll ask Mikael when we wake him."

"You're bluffing!" Rebekah finally spoke up, turning back around to glare at Elena. "You don't know where he is. No one does."

"So, then who's rotting in that old cemetery in Charlotte?" Elena's words had fear shooting through Rebekah's body.

"If you wake Mikael, we are all doomed!"

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