103 - Like hell am I letting you do this by yourself

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 103 (3x09)
Word Count: 3773

It was pouring down rain at the docks on the southern coast of Louisiana bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Rebekah's desiccated and daggered body was stuck in her coffin, which had been placed into a large wooden shipping crate. A man was using a forklift to transport the soggy, seaweed-covered shipping crate that contains Rebekah's body over with a stack of wooden pallets. A middle-aged sailor was rubbing his hands together to warm them as he waited for the shipping container to be dropped off.

"Right where they said it would be." The sailor turned toward five of his lackeys, who were swarming around the crate. "Open it! This Mr Elijah Smith and Mrs Cassidy Marshall paid big money to have this dredged out of the Gulf. What's ever in it has gotta be worth a fortune. I say we renegotiate." The men finished opening the crate, but before they could fully examine its contents, Elijah appeared behind them and snapped his large, black umbrella closed as he looked at them in annoyance.

"I'm afraid that was our final offer. Darling, if you will."

"I'd be honoured." A delicate female voice was heard as Cassidy walked out from behind one of the crates, smirking as she raised her hand. The sailor and his men started to get into defensive positions, but the second that Cassidy closed her outstretched hand into a fist, the sailor's heart was shot out of his body, the sailor crumpling to the ground, dead. That put the other men in a defensive panic. Together, Cassidy and Elijah fought and killed several of the other men, and the rest of the men ran away from the married mates in terror.

Once everyone had fled or been dealt with, an unharmed Cassidy walked over to the shipping crate and opened the lid of the coffin before yanking the dagger out of Rebekah's chest. Rebekah immediately awakened with a gasp as the color started to return to her skin, though she was still pale and peaked-looking. Rebekah sat up and looked around in shock before she noticed Cassidy's and Elijah's presence.

"Hello, sister." Elijah greeted with a smile.

"Tell me I didn't miss Christmas." Rebekah smiled weakly. Hearing her voice had Cassidy also smiling in joy, lunging forward to engulf her mate in an embrace, pulling the blonde original into a kiss shortly after.

"I'm so glad you're okay."


Elijah was in the middle of filling his car's tank with gasoline, and Cassidy was just leaning against the car, picking at her nails, when Rebekah walked out of the gas station's convenience store with a disgusted expression on her face as she wiped her mouth on a paper towel.

"Ugh! I think I prefer the bottom of the murky sea to that restroom."

"Still hungry, are we?" Cassidy smirked, amused by how pouty her mate was.

"I'm not hungry, I'm angry. Staked by Aya, drowned by Aurora..." Rebekah raised her eyebrows at Cassidy. "Your other mates clearly all had terrible taste in women before they met you, gorgeous." She then noticed Elijah's distracted look. "What's stuck up his ass?"

"He's worried about the prophecy." Cassidy informed with a sigh.

"You'd be foolish to ignore the manifestation of these omens." Elijah pointed out, causing Rebekah to let out a scoff.

"We can't be killed, Elijah!"

"This prophecy does state one of us will fall by family."

"Well, I would never harm you, Cassidy here of course would never. So, that leaves Nik. Do you think he's learned his lesson about backstabbing his family?" Rebekah asked.

"Oh, I think he learns that lesson all the time. He's just a terrible student." Elijah shrugged. Suddenly, Rebekah winced and rubbed her arm, but although Elijah was too distracted to notice, Cassidy picked up on it immediately.

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