105 - She is tearing herself apart!

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 105 (3x11)
Word Count: 1278

A week had passed. A long, hard week since Cassidy not only gave birth to her twin girls, but Cami transitioned into a vampire. However, Cassidy's best friend having a second chance at life seemed to come at a cost... since she lost her other best friend on the same day. Jackson.

During that week, Cassidy refused to let herself grieve. For the last five or so years, all she had ever done was grieve a loss after another loss. She was ready to accept that everyone experienced loss and she wasn't on her own. That was why, to prevent herself from grieving Jackson's death, Cassidy busied herself with as much things as she could do. During the day, she would be with Hope, Leo, Alexandria, Clara, and Julia, spending most of her time with her children. If she wasn't with them, she was helping supply Cami with blood bags and teaching her the perks of vampirism, or Cassidy was comforting Hayley, who also lost her best friend.

Although Cassidy's days were filled with laughs and smiles in general, it was when the sun fell that things truly got dark in the Mikaelson Compound... late at night, Cassidy would lock herself in Elijah's study, scribbling away angrily, listing possible ways to make the de Martel siblings suffer a pain worse than death. With every night that passed, the list grew longer, and Rebekah was soon the first to realise that Cassidy could explode at any minute... and with that, Aurora and Tristan would be gone. Cassidy was perfectly capable of demolishing them, but she waited patiently all week so that they could go with a bang... that they would remember the murderous face of Cassidy Forbes.

Aurora turned Cami into a vampire, Tristan killed Jackson, Aurora tried to kill Cassidy and her babies by stabbing her when she was pregnant. Cassidy wanted to rid the world of them forever. Her thoughts, and her sanity, was beginning to get slightly out of hand. But Cassidy didn't care, and her mates were too worried that she'd fully go crazy if they mentioned it to her.

"Darling, you must sleep. I can see the exhaustion in your eyes." Elijah had insisted one late night in his study, but Cassidy had only stubbornly shaken her head.

"Not until I get to burn the bodies of the de Martel siblings to the ground."


The next morning, Klaus, Marcel, Elijah, Hayley, and Freya were talking in hushed whispers in the living room while Davina was finally making Cami a daylight ring, and Rebekah and Kol were both babysitting all five of the kids.

"We can't let her keep doing this." Hayley sighed. "She is tearing herself apart! And all for some stupid revenge?"

"Hayley's right." Marcel agreed. "We all want Tristan and Aurora dead, but both of them will eventually get what's coming to them."

"I lost my best friend, but our bond wasn't nearly the same level as the loyalty, respect, protectiveness, and love that Cassidy and Jackson have for each other. She needs us right now." Hayley added quietly.

"I want nothing more than to bring Cassidy's happiness back, Hayley, but I don't know what to suggest we do." Klaus muttered with a hint of sadness. He hated seeing his mate fall apart on the inside but refusing to let it show on the outside.

"Comforting someone isn't much, but it is enough. Show her that we love her so much. That's all she needs." Hayley suggested with a small frown.

"I hate seeing her like this." Freya whispered. "It is going to take a lot of time to bring her smile back, but I am willing to do whatever it takes."

"We all are." Elijah responded with a determined nod.

Unbeknownst to all of them, their blonde heretic mate had her back pressed to the other side of the door, her knees pulled up to her chest. Her eyes stung with unshed tears. She buried her head into her knees, drowning out the sounds of her mates' voices on the other side of the door.


The conversation that her mates had that Cassidy had overheard never left her mind for the remainder of the day, and she went back to her regular activities. She met up with Cami and Davina for a few hours, and then returned home to spend some time with her children.

However, when night had fallen, things were different than usual... Cassidy didn't have a break down, she didn't lock herself in Elijah's study all night, she didn't push her mates away... no, instead, she grabbed her jacket and exited the compound. It looked as though she was trying to run away from her grief, from r mates, from her life, constantly trapped in Mikaelson business. But Cassidy wasn't running away from anything. She was running towards something.

Once she had reached her destination, Cassidy muttered a spell to unlock the door, slamming it open with a desperate urgency, her blue-green eyes flickering around the walls, the items, the clothes, all littered around the messy apartment. The apartment that had been abandoned for a week so far. Jackson's apartment.

Taking a slow step further into the apartment, Cassidy's heart thudded loudly in her chest. Everything looked the same as the last time she was there. She and Jackson had just raced all the way through the forest and Jackson had tossed her a beer from the fridge when they'd returned to his apartment, but he threw it too hard and Cassidy had to duck to avoid it hitting her face. It slammed into the wall instead, leaving a small indent. She stared sadly at the dent in the wall that still remained there.

Hayley was right. Comforting someone was always enough, and Cassidy would do anything to be in the arms of one of her mates as they told her funny stories of Jackson and brought a smile to her face for the first time all week.

Cassidy made her way into the living room where Jackson's scent seemed to be the strongest due to the pile of washed clothes on the counter. Her back hit the counter and she slowly slid down it, burying her head in her hands as her shoulders began to shake with silent sobs.

When she looked up, however, she found herself tense up, her sobs catching in her throat, choking up as she spotted Elijah stood in the open doorway, staring at her with sympathy. Cassidy rushed to wipe her tears away, stumbling to her feet.

"Um, 'Lijah, what are you doing here?" She covered her face with her hands so Elijah couldn't spot the tear tracks wetting her cheeks, but in seconds, Elijah had vamp sped in front of his mate and wife and he was pulling her hands away from her face.

"You do not need to hide your emotions around me, darling. It is alright to allow yourself the time to grieve like a normal person."

"I can't, because if I cry, I won't stop, and I have way too many things to be worrying about right now." Cassidy responded, feeling tears already beginning to sting the corners of her blue-green eyes again. Elijah noticed and pulled her into his arms, combing his fingers through her hair soothingly as Cassidy fell apart, her shoulders shaking as she cried in her husband's arms. "It's not fair, 'Lijah... why does Tristan get to live and Jackson doesn't?"

"We'll avenge Jackson. I give you my word." Elijah whispered softly. "Give it time, but we will end the de Martel siblings."

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