6 - Do you love him?

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 6 (2x12)
Word Count: 1163

A/N: Just a filler chapter for this one, guys! Because in this one, it would normally be about Rose suffering through the werewolf bite and all, but since that never happened, it'll only be a filler.
By the way, I have never in my life shipped Damon and Rose. I'd always loved their friendship so much, but never them being lovers. I just thought I'd spice it up in this book so we can see Damon and Rose in a new light, you know? The alternative if they fell in love, I guess :) ❤️
-L xx


"How are you?" Cassidy handed Rose a cup of blood mixed with coffee. It didn't taste really nice mixed together, but Cassidy thought that Rose was in need of both.

"I'm still shaking." Rose admitted with a sigh, taking another small sip of the disgusting beverage. "Thank you... for saving my life. I owe you one."

"You don't owe me anything. All I need from you is to stay alive. I'd hate it so much if my best friend had to lose his mate... it'd break him and that's the last thing I'd ever want to see." Cassidy muttered.

"I promise to live for him." Rose smiled.

"How'd you do it?"


"Get on with the mate bond so quickly..." Cassidy glanced downwards, nervously fiddling with her fingers. "You and Damon literally slept together in less than a week of knowing eachother. Me and Elijah have known eachother for three weeks and nothing! How'd you move so fast?"

"We immediately knew that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. We're mates, bonded for life, and that is never going to change. And come on, we're both horny vampires. What did you expect?" Rose joked. Cassidy let out a quiet laugh, but her eyes remained quite dull, and Rose noticed. She reached forward and grabbed Cassidy's hand. "What are you worrying about?"

"It's nothing... except..." Cassidy hesitated, finally looking up to meet Rose's eyes. "I don't think Elijah is crazy about being mated to me. I mean, we had an incredible date and he showed me so much love... he made me believe that we definitely stood a chance, but... I don't know, it's just something about him. I don't think we'll ever be as happy as you and Damon are."

"Me and Damon aren't as perfect as you believe." Rose giggled. "We argue over the smallest things... he's one hot-headed guy, isn't he? He started an argument the other day because I didn't give him a kiss before I left to feed when the sun went down."

"But that's normal couple fights." Cassidy pointed out with yet another sad sigh. "Fighting about whose bed you're going to sleep in or what to have for dinner! Me and Elijah don't have those fights... we don't have any fights, except the one when he literally ghosted me. Excluding that one, everything seems so... perfect..."

"Then what's the problem?" Rose was confused now, squinting her eyes slightly at Cassidy and taking another sip of her blood-coffee, gagging slightly as if she'd just taken an extra disgusting shot.

"There probably is none. I'm just overthinking! It happens a lot." Cassidy quickly tried to change the subject, not wanting to burden Rose with her relationship drama. "I should get going. I promised Jenna I'd stop by--"

"Cass." Rose stopped Cassidy from leaving. "Do you love him?"

"Well, we haven't actually said the 'L' word yet--"

"Do you?"

"We have to! We're mates!"

"Cassidy! Do you or do you not love Elijah?"

And Cassidy frowned, looking down.

"Of course I do. So much."

"Then tell him. I told Damon that I loved him yesterday and we're still as strong as ever." Rose smiled. "Who knows? It might even fix all your doubts and worries."

"It's too soon to tell him that I am so head over heels in love with him!" Cassidy exclaimed, her eyebrows scrunching together as she started to overthink things again. "What if he doesn't say it back? What if he wants to reject the mate bond completely? What if--"

"What if he says that he loves you, too, and everything works out?" Rose finished for me. I sent her a doubtful look. "Cassidy Forbes, you listen to me. Elijah has been searching for his mate for 1000 years! He loves you, I'm sure of it."

"I really hope you're right." Cassidy mumbled. "What did Damon do after you told him you loved him?"

"Hot couch sex, obviously."

"What?!" Cassidy glanced down at the couch they sat on in disgust. "This couch?! Gross!" The two had a nice laugh, before Cassidy sent Rose a grateful smile and pulled the vampire into a hug. "Thank you so much for talking some sense into me, Rose."

"Of course, Cass."


"Matt and Tyler both kissed me in the same day and I told ran away from both of them and I don't know what to do now because I didn't really give either of them an explanation and now I'll forever be too afraid to face them and what if both of them now hate me forever for rejecting them because Matt is my ex boyfriend and I still love him and he loves me but Tyler is becoming so close to me and I really don't want to hurt his feelings and--"

"Caroline! Breathe!" Cassidy interrupted her sister's rambling, grabbing her arms to stop Caroline from pacing back and forth in front of the siphoner's bed. Night had fallen and Cassidy had returned home after sharing a bottle of wine with Jenna, only to find a frantic Caroline home, already waiting for Cassidy to return. "You need to calm down. Let's take it bit by bit. When you next see Matt, what are you going to say to him?"

"Nothing. I'm going to turn and run the other way. Ooh, or I could just pretend not to see him or when he tries to speak to me, I can pretend he's invisible to me and I'm speaking to a ghost!"

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life." Cassidy said, staring at Caroline blankly. "Come on, Care, think. Like you said, Matt is your ex boyfriend and you love him, so what will you say to him?"

"I'd tell him that I'm still waiting for my mate."

"Good. And what would you say to Tyler?"

"The same thing!" Caroline sat down on Cassidy's bed. "I don't want to fall in love with anyone who isn't my soulmate. It will only hurt more for both him and me when I do eventually find my mate... so, until I do, I'm going to swear off guys."

"If that's what you want." Cassidy shrugged. "But you need to talk to both Matt and Tyler about that."

"I will." Caroline promised with a curt nod. "I'll speak to them..."

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