47. A Pampered Patient

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"Really, I'm fine, you don't need to fuss," I said to Matty as he readjusted and tucked the blanket around me tighter for the fifth time in my wheelchair. "I'll have to take it off when I get up to get in the car in a minute anyways," I reasoned, but Matty ignored me.

"Is that too tight? Should I go back and grab you another?" Matty asked worriedly as the nurse wheeled me down the hall of the hospital and into the elevator.

"Matty, I promise, I'm fine," I replied as we halted to a stop inside the elevator doors.

"Promise?" he said leaning down, his eyes level with mine as he leaned his hand on the arm of my wheelchair, our faces only an inch or two apart. I could feel the warmth of his breath against my lips as his eyes peered into my mind searching for reassurance of my wellbeing. He was so caring.

"Pinky," I said with a little grin. With that, he beamed back at me, then kissed me sweetly on the lips. 

As the elevator door dinged open, the three of us headed out the doors of the hospital and straight to the car that waited to take us back to Matty's.

Once we reached the car, the driver got out to open the door for us. Matty promptly bent over and reached his arms under me.

"Matty! I can walk just fine!" I protested with a laugh as he scooped me up in his arms. 

"I'm not taking any chances," he said seriously before kissing me on the forehead and gently placing me in the backseat. Before I could do it myself, he took the seatbelt and clicked it in for me, adjusting the strap around me to make sure it wasn't too tight.

"I have a feeling this one's going to take better care of you than we did," chuckled the kind elderly nurse we'd befriended. She'd particularly taken a liking to Matty, but then again, who wouldn't?

"I can only dream of doing half as good a job as you, Agatha," Matty said kindly as he turned towards her with a devastatingly handsome smile, making her cheeks flush red with flattery as she waved him off with a breathless giggle. 

"Oh you're a good one, aren't you?" scolded the flustered woman as she wagged her finger at him.

"Not at all, Agatha, but striving to be," answered Matty with a wink. I had to stifle my own giggle when I saw her face turn even redder and swat at his arm as if to say 'Nonsense!'.

It had been so entertaining to watch Matty charm the staff on our floor. Everyone was completely taken by him from the moment they met him, enamoured by his endless charm and gentlemanly manner. Anyone who entered my room either left with scarlet-toned cheeks, or sputtering nonsense, including my doctor, who stuttered his farewell, leaving the room quickly to hide his pink face after discharging me. It was almost comforting to see that I wasn't the only one who was so easily breath taken by him.

After what could only be described as a very entertaining but adorable goodbye with Agatha, Matty hopped into the backseat next to me, pulling me close against him as we zoomed down the streets of London towards his flat. As I snuggled my head against the collar of his white button-up, I realized how oddly he was dressed for the occasion.

"Matty, don't take this the wrong way but... why are you so dressed up?" I asked curiously. Matty wasn't one to wear dress shirts casually, and it wasn't until now that I realized this was the first time I'd seen him wearing one in public that wasn't for a date.

"I came here straight from the concert last night," he said somewhat bashfully as he ran his fingers through his hair, then wrapped his arm around my shoulders, tucking me closer into his chest. 

"What?" I said pulling away to look up at him better. "Did you not stop by the hotel before getting on the plane?"

He shook his head gently. I looked at him bewildered and he simply shrugged.

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