8. A Hot Bath

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I shut the door to my apartment and leaned my back against it, my lips still tingling from the kiss we shared before Matty hopped into a cab to get to his meeting which he was now late for. He had changed back into his date clothes from the night before, leaving his hoodie and sweatpants behind.

We'd spent the rest of the morning in bed cuddling while chatting, laughing and eating cereal. Eventually, after much protesting from Matty, I convinced him not to cancel his day of meetings and interviews. He obliged only after I promised him I'd come over for dinner later that evening.

I walked back upstairs, still in a daze, and started making my bed. I had once again been lost in thought when I heard my phone buzz on my nightstand.

I'm not particularly enjoying being apart from you :(

My heart fluttered as I read his text and my phone buzzed again.

If you get out of the studio early, will you please come straight to mine?

I couldn't help but smile at his eagerness. It wasn't just that it was flattering, but something about his unabashed honesty was so comforting. He wasn't afraid of this, which helped me feel unafraid too. I sat down on the edge of my bed and began to type.

I'm also not enjoying being apart from you :( I want to come over straight after, I really do, but I need to go home to shower and change out of my studio clothes first. If I don't... well, if you saw me like that then let's just say you'd probably enjoy being apart more lol

It didn't take long for Matty to respond.

You could sprout a tail and 3 extra heads and I'd still be utterly obsessed with you. Come over straight after- you can wash up at mine. If it helps I promise I won't look at you when you first get here (that's a lie btw)

I rolled my eyes at his message and I couldn't help but giggle- he was so funny and clever. As I began to type a response, I got another text from him.

Not to pressure you. Sorry, I'm being very selfish here. I've just got a bit of a crush, that's all :)

I took a moment to think before I wrote my next couple messages.

Wellllllll, when you put it like that... as long as you don't mind me taking a quick shower at yours before we eat then sure, I'd love to :)

I can text you when I'm heading over. I'll probably be done by 5:30/6:00 pm- maybe even sooner. Should only take me 15 min to get to your place from the studio

I couldn't help but blush when I read his response.

Amazing. See you then <3 Text me whenever you miss me plz

The little heart emoji made me shimmy with giddiness. I was so excited to see him again- and we'd only been apart for... three minutes? Four? It felt insane, but the connection we had felt so deep so immediately. I hopped up from my bed, running to my wardrobe to get dressed as quickly as possible so I could get to the studio right away. The sooner I got my work done, the sooner I'd be able to see Matty again.

The next several hours I spent at the studio working on a new piece as well as finishing up some older ones. Somehow, by some miracle, the day had flown by and I'd finished just a few minutes after 5 pm.

We'd texted throughout the day, updating each other when we found time, but we could both tell we were missing each other desperately already.

As soon as I finished loading my last piece into the kiln, I sent Matty a text letting him know I was heading over and I all but ran out of the building and onto the tube.

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