7. Good Morning, Beautiful

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I woke up the next morning with arms surrounding me, and a soft breath caressing the back of my neck. We'd fallen asleep holding each other, and Matty hadn't let go of me once the entire night. 

I wiggled myself out of his embrace, earning myself a grunt from Matty. 

"I wasn't finished with that." He grumbled, reaching his arms out for me without opening his eyes as I got out of bed. 

"I have to pee!" I laughed to myself quietly, his clinginess bringing a smile to my face. "I'll be back in one minute." 

"60.... 59...... 58......" he grumbled, snapping his empty hands in the air, making me laugh as I pulled the curtain aside. His counting faded as I shut the door to the bathroom behind me.

As I peed in the bathroom, I reflected on the last day and a half. At this point, it felt like our date was already a week ago- our first meeting felt like it happened at least a month ago. Things felt so natural so quickly, it felt like we'd known each other for ages. I shook my head in disbelief, the events of the last two days only now just starting to sink in. 

I couldn't believe that I'd met such an incredible man, one who was so caring and giving, not to mention wildly handsome... Our date had been better than any other I'd been on- better than I thought a first date could ever go. And on top of all that, after what we'd spoken about last night, and how he'd responded... I was still in shock. I never imagined someone would react to my past the way that he had. I'd never met a man who was so willingly patient and kind. One who believed my word without hesitation. One who didn't ask anything of me but me.

As I walked back to the bedroom, I pulled back the curtain and paused for a few moments, taking in the sight of Matty sprawled in my bed, peacefully sleeping with his arms still outstretched, now resting on the bed, tousled curls peeking out from under his hoodie. He looked so beautiful.

"De-uhn-mmnn" I heard him mumble into the pillow, unmoving. 

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked softly as I climbed back into bed and into his arms which he'd lifted again. I burrowed myself into his chest, breathing in his comforting smell. 

He squeezed me tight as he repeated more clearly, "Detention."

I laughed in response, "Someone is very grumpy this morning."

"I have very little interest in spending time apart from you from this point on. You're lucky I allowed for a toilet break," he said sternly, finally opening his eyes and peering down at me with a little cheeky smile. I couldn't help but smile back at his sleepy face, it was so charming.

"I'm sorry I ruined your plans to go home last night," I said sheepishly, hiding my face under his chin.

"Hey," he said, gently tilting my face up to reveal an earnestness in his eyes, "you didn't ruin anything."

We lay there looking at each other, taking in the sincerity of the moment, and I had to reign in the fresh tears that welled in my eyes. 

"Never apologize for being open and honest with me. I mean it. I want to know every thought inside your head. Every thought you're willing to share with me I want to treasure like the gift it is." he said very seriously. He frowned as he said, "I'm sorry if that's too soppy, but I just know you deserve so much better than you've gotten."

My own eyes betrayed me as one tear escaped, followed by a second. Matty placed a hand on my jaw, then kissed the corners of my eyes gently. I couldn't help but find his lips with my own, cherishing the care with which he kissed me back, tasting the saltiness of my tears on his lips. 

"Thank you," I said, almost in a whisper as I lay my head back on my pillow to look at him, and he put his arm back around me.

"So what are your plans for today?" I asked as he started to rub my back.

"None. Nothing. I'm cancelling everything- this is what I'd like to do today." he said with exaggerated stubbornness.

I laughed before he continued, "I'm supposed to have a big boy meeting today to finalize tour plans, then I have a couple of interviews afterwards."

I took in what he was saying, realizing we still hadn't talked in depth about what exactly the level of his notoriety was. 

"So wait, when you say tour and interviews... Matty, just how famous are you?" I blushed immediately as I finished my sentence, adding "Fuck, I'm sorry. That's so rude to ask. God, I'm just realizing how much of an asshole this makes me sound, not knowing who you are."  I cringed.

Matty laughed, his tone lacking any annoyance or frustration, only amusement. "I mean, I guess you could say we're pretty big. I know that's a bit immodest to say, but we are about to go on a world stadium tour and these interviews are with GQ and Apple Music, so I'd feel a bit insincere if I were to try to downplay it." 

The casualness with which he spoke left me feeling... well, not sure how to feel. Shock was the only emotion I could name, though I know many others coursed through my mind as well.

"Wow..." was all I could muster. I sat up, my head spinning a bit while I tried to take in the magnitude of what I'd just learned. I had suspected that he was at least somewhat famous, but I had never imagined it was at this level.

I must have been quiet and lost in thought for a while, because I hadn't noticed Matty had sat up with me, waiting for me to respond with more than just my very eloquent 'wow'. 

"Does that... change things for you?" he asked, breaking me out of my daze. I turned to see the worry that was now on his face, breaking my heart a little in the process.

"No!" I said urgently, almost too quickly. I paused and took a breath before I said it again, this time more concretely, "No. Not at all." Relief seeped into his face. "I just... it's a lot to take in, I guess. I've never met a celebrity before." I said, losing myself to thought again.

"I'm not a celebrity," he said, firmly. "Well, I mean I am, but I don't want to be one. Not with you." He took my hand and interlaced his fingers with mine as he said "I like being just Matty with you- I feel like I don't have to pretend with you. I feel good. I feel like myself." 

"I like you being Matty with me too," I said with a smile. 

We sat there side by side holding hands in my bed as I pieced together carefully what I wanted to say. 

"This doesn't change anything at all, to be clear. I like you a lot. Probably too much, honestly." 

He kissed my temple before leaning his head against mine. 

"I definitely like you too much," he said, and my heart fluttered as I could hear the smile in his voice.

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