5. Finally

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I nervously tucked my hair behind my ears as I jogged up the steps out of the tube. I was running a couple of minutes behind for the date, anxiously checking my phone to make sure I was walking in the right direction. I rounded the corner and was once again met with those warm chocolate eyes.

Hands clasped behind his back, he stepped forward with such a warm smile, reaching an arm out to pull me in for a hug and I thought I'd melt right there and then. 

"Look at you! You're a sight for sore eyes. You look absolutely gorgeous," said Matty as he leaned in to kiss me on the cheek hello, my skin tingling where his lips left my skin.

"Speak for yourself, I look like a peasant next to you. I didn't realize you were going to wear a suit- I would have dressed more appropriately if I'd known!" I exclaimed, nervously adjusting the hem of my skirt, grateful at that moment that I had at the last minute chosen to wear a dress.

I'd worn a sheer floral white spaghetti strap dress with black boy shorts and a tube top underneath, my hair was down in its curly shag per usual, with thick gold hoops adorning my ears. The dress itself could have passed off as formal, but my green and yellow Adidas sambas and vintage leather bomber jacket didn't help me look any less casual.

Matty, on the other hand, pulled off his formal look so casually that he looked like he could have been born in a suit. He looked so handsome in his grey suit jacket and matching wide-leg trousers. Underneath he wore a parchment-coloured dress shirt, his chest tattoo peaking through the top few buttons that had been left undone, making me flush as the memory of him in the bathroom flooded my mind. 

"Nonsense, you're dressed perfectly." he smiled at me earnestly. He ran his fingers through his hair, suddenly looking bashful. "I brought these for you," he said as he pulled a bouquet of roses out from behind his back.

I was speechless. 

I had tried very hard all day not to get my hopes up that this was anything more than just a friendly drink from a boy who felt bad. And here he was, dressed in a suit, handing me flowers, and telling me I looked gorgeous? I had to concentrate very hard on not passing out.

"I don't know what to say, thank you so much, Matty," I said, unable to look away quite yet from the beautiful bouquet.

Matty smiled down at me sweetly. He placed his hand on my lower back, leaning in and kissing my temple in response "You don't have to say anything. Shall we?" He asked, as he gently ushered me inside the bar.

Inside, the bar reeked of warmth and intimacy. It was dimly lit, various candles dotted throughout the bar. The walls were chipped and covered in various paintings and vintage posters. Wine bottles lined the wall behind the long weathered wooden bar. A red neon light that read "WINE" glowed behind the bartender, casting a warm glow along the rack of wine glasses that shimmered like fairy lights.

The bartender looked up at us as we entered. Making to walk towards us, the bartender stopped and smiled when he recognized Matty, gesturing politely towards the back of the bar. Matty nodded back, giving a smile of recognition and waved a small thank you in return as we continued.

At the back of the bar was a very private small semi-circle booth, just big enough for the two of us to sit comfortably. A candle-lit lamp glowed in the centre of the small table. It was charming and intimate.

Matty helped me out of my coat, letting me choose my side while he took off his suit jacket and hung up our coats. He slid in to sit next to me. 

Now that we were seated, I was once again met with those rich brown eyes, making my stomach flip. We were so close now, knees grazing each other under the table. If we both wanted to lean our elbows on the table, our faces would only be a couple of inches from each other. Matty leaned forward onto his elbows with a smile, oozing with a sort of gentle confidence.

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