Kiss me with Permission

Start from the beginning

"I'm busy."

"Captain, it's (Y/N)."

The way that lock turned was the faster than a Sea-king eating its fill.

You calmly walked in and sighed. This place was your favorite place.

His workshop.

You thought it was beautiful.

"Did'ya finish the dagger?"

You didn't need to speak as you produced the scabbard you carefully tied to your waist for transport.

It was charcoal black with little details and lines rolling up to its hilt. The base was carefully wrapped in leather and black pine pitch glue. Not enough to dye the animal hide but enough to sustain heavy wear and tear. You didn't think it needed gems to decorate it so you opted on adding silver and slips of gold here and there to make it presentable along the blade. The sharpness it had could easily cut a pig (or a man)'s head clean off.




That's what you had considered the weapon you had just given your captain.

You gave him the blade with care and waited for his reaction. It was your favorite part, you've come to admit.

He looked like he had just gotten a present.

A very sharp, man-killing present.

"Fuckin' pretty. Your work is always so Fuckin' pretty."

You didn't know if he was mad it was pretty or not. You just worked with what you could at the moment.

"We're docking in a few hours. You should come down with us and get a beer with me, Mouse."

The nervous palpitations came back for a second.

"Will other crews be joining us?"

"Not that I'm aware."

You could almost sigh in relief. But you shouldn't, you wouldn't want to worry the captain of this ship with your unnecessary problems. You had bid your goodbyes and went back to your dark corner.

As the hours passed, you were politely escorted out of the ship by Killer, who seemed a bit excited for this island. Apparently the pasta dishes are sublime and that you had to try them before you all left.

You put it in the back burner for now.

You decided you could join the females of the crew on their shopping spree.

Hip, Dive, Quincy and Emma have always treated you as their friend. It was nicer when House and Hop came along, truthfully. You did enjoy the small moments you had with the ladies of this ship. Made things more bearable as you went through the motions of daily life again.

Everything was going fantastic until nighttime came. 

You had gone to the ship to freshen up and then went back down to town. You had opted to wear a skater dress with long sleeves and a cute buttoned up collar that went up to your neck with a cute lace. Not exactly the same aesthetic as the rest of the crew but you felt like you wanted to be pretty for tonight.

Especially if the captain was treating you to a drink. Everything was going well,  even went to entered the high-end pub and mosey your way through the throng of people to where Eustass "Captain" Kid was sitting down and enjoying his fill.

"There she is! The Metal Lady!" You heard the crew squeal and cheer, regaling them a smile from your face. You were happy to hear that your captain had saved you a spot next to him, so generous.

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