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It's been 3 weeks that y/n was grounded and taehyung couldn't find her.but,he didn't stop the search.after 3 weeks,lily came at the mansion with a bright smile.but,she doesn't know that y/n has run away.her mother didn't told her about it.when she came home,first thing she asked her mother was 'where is y/n?'.her mother was hesitating to tell it but,when she felt suspicious,she asked more questions and it made her mother to tell everything to her.

"What..!? She ran away...!? But,why..!? She can tell the truth to them..!!".she was so shocked.

"Lily... she tried but when she saw the member's disappointment,she didn't...and young master is still looking for her...if he get her,she will be suffer so much...".mother said and became worried.lily face palmed.she was cursing herself for not being with y/n at that moment.

"Eomma... I'm going to tell the truth...". hearing her daughter's words,the plate she was hold fall on the break into million pieces.

"What did you say..? Lily... it's dangerous...".she tried to convince her daughter but her daughter was stubborn.

"No eomma...y/n is innocent...there is nothing to worried about... I'm going to tell the truth... nothing else...".she decided to send her.she kissed on her daughter's forehead.

"Ok my girl...I know you can do it...".she caressed her hair and she nodded.collecting her courage,she went to meet taehyung who was at his room.

Lily POV

Now, I'm standing infront of his room.

Don't worry y/n... I'll do it... I'll tell him everything for you... I'll prove him that he is are the one who gave courage and confidence...Now, I'm going to use it...for you...

I knocked the door and I heard him responding.I entered inside and bowed at him.

"Good morning young master...".I greeted him.

"What is it Lilith...?".he asked Coldly.

"Sir...I w-want to tell you something....".I said and fisted my palm.

"Speak..".he replied.I took a deep breathe.

" Sir... I'm here to talk about blackwings...".I said without shuttering.he look at me .

"Oh...are you here to tell that your friend is innocent and change my mind...? Then I have nothing to hear from you...".he said and look away.

"Sir... you are...w-wrong...".I closed my eyes tightly because now,he is mad.

No one ever dare to tell him that his was wrong...

Like I expected,he came to me and leaned.I gulped down.

"Repeat it again".he ordered.I sighed and repeated.

"You are wrong..".he grabbed my neck and tighten.I was struggling in his arm.

"Dare to say it again and you will dead...".he let me go and call on the floor.I couched.he walk away.

That's it..!

"MR KIM TAEHYUNG..!!".I yells his name and he look at me.I stood up and look straightly at him.

"MR LEO IS THE ONE WHO STOLE THE PENDANT..!!".I yells out of my lungs.his eyes widen.

"What did you say..?".he came to me once again.

"It's true...he was the one who stole it first...then, blackwings and her crews stoles the bag which has the pendant at a night and she got it...she has no clue about it...when I told her about it,she was ready to tell the truth to you...but,I stopped her...".I explained the rest of the story and he was hearing it eyes were filled with tears.

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