chapter-3- feelings?

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Y/n is standing on the top of a building.her heart was beating insanely.she was feeling something weird inside her stomach.sge was feeling hot.she placed her palm on her chest to calm herself down.her mind was full of his image.his last words were making her heart painful.

"hear it kid...go back home...and never come infront of me again... let's pretend like we didn't met...".

those words were so harmful to her.but she don't know why.

What is this weird feelings...?why my heart... it's so painful...when he said that don't come infront of him feels like a heavy rock on my I fallen for him? No! Never! Why I need to fall in love with someone who said that don't meet him again... bullshit! I need sometimes to relax my mind...I want to see my halmoni...


Now,there is an old woman who was sitting on a bench outside.she was poor and homeless.she is looking at the poor people who were also like her, sleeping on a corner of the park in the cities.she feel so pathetic for them that they all were spent their whole day begging for food.she is also a part of them.the children and womens were sleeping ignoring their empty stomach.And this is the y/n's halmoni...

[A/n:- meet our halmoni 🤭🤭

Y/n:- what are you doing in the middle of the story..?🙄

A/n:- I'm here to introduce your adopted halmoni 😍😍

Y/n:- aaishhh...she is my own halmoni...😤

A/n:- y/ know that you are adopted🤭🤭

Y/n:- halmoni😭😭

Hal (short form of halmoni):- what happened my child..?

Y/n:- this rude author said that you are not my own halmoni 🥺🥺

Hal:- Aaishh you know that she is ungrateful fool...🙂...come here you little dare you make my y/n cry..😠

A/n:- sorry Halmoni 😅😅well... halmoni I'm so tired you can lead the story 😊😊

Hal:- are you telling this old woman to continue it huh?😠😠

A/n:- no it's not like that...just... it's your turn...😅😅

Hal:- ok...I warn you to not be rude and ungrateful to anyone 😤😤

A/n:- oh ok deal😁😁]


Halmoni POV

It has been so many years that we are still living like this... I'm getting older...if I die then who will take care of my y/n..? I Started to remember her past when I meet her..

17 years later...I was walking on the empty road in the was so dark and scary...I was looking for a shelter to sleep... suddenly I saw a car crash on a tree...I went to it and saw a man who probably drive it was inside the car lifelessly...I was really shocked... suddenly,I heard a crying sound...I followed the sound and found a lady who was dying...she was holding a baby who was crying loudly, probably her baby....She look at me and handover the baby to me and said.

" of.m-my baby...".and it was her last words...she passed away at that night on the road...I was trembling then,I look at the baby who looks like a princess...I don't know what to do...I don't want this baby to live in poverty and homeless like I do...but,the mother of this baby wants me to protect,I decided to protect her...I raised her...she started to grow up... she was really energetic and so strong...she is a bit naughty...but,when she was 9 years old...she became a thief...she and her friends were started to steal...I told her to stop it but she didn't hear as she was so stubborn to do it...she loves it and continued it...but, I realised that she was doing this for us...years pasted now, she is 17 years old....she is still doing it...she look so gorgeous...I don't know about her future... I'm so afraid that she is growing up...she will be matured...and I'm getting older and sick...with this weak body...I can't protect her...

I was on my thoughts when I feel someone back hugging must be her...I know her soft and warm always makes me feel warm...

"Oh my y/n...tell me that you are not feeling good huh...?".I asked her as I know that when she not well she will always do this..." halmoni is so smart...".she said.those soft voice were making me chill."now tell me...what is the reason?".I ask.she broke the hug and sat beside me.after letting a deep sigh,she spoke up.

"There is something happened today...I think that I'm a bit straight forward...".her eyes were shining like a star...I get it what she meant but not fully."ok tell me...".she told me everything...I chuckled at this naughty girl...she is really a fool...I caressed her hair.

"My need to think then you need to could be a murderer if you don't think twice...".I said and she nodded."it's ok... forget about it...but,is that boy look so handsome huh...which makes my cupcake look like this...?".I teased her."n-no...I mean he is...but...umm...".her hesitation tells me everything.she can't lie to me..."c'mon y/ can lie to an old hag...".I said and giggled at my own words..."ok fine...he look handsome but, don't think that your cupcake will fall for him...".she said and flip her hair... What can I expect from her...?she is a little girl... "What is his name y/naah... I'm so curious about him...".I said with a smile."oh... don't tell me that you are going to fall in love with him at this age..."."And are you jealousy?".I teased her.she gave me a weird expression on her face..."yaah... halmoni...!".I laughed at her and caressed her hair."I'm just joking now...tell me his name...".She sighed and said.

"He said that his name is V....I don't think so that it is his original name... I'm sure that it is his code name like mine...".she said and look at the sky." is a terrific name...".I said and I also look at the sky.tge stars were twinkling."Halmoni...I don't know why but,when he said that don't come infront of heart was clenched...I felt a pain...but,I don't know why...".she said and layed down and placed her head on my lap.I caressed her hair.

"My child...we feel this when a person we love tell harsh words to don't meet me,I don't love you,you are not important to me...etc...These were just words when someone else say them...but,it hurts when someone we love say these... your little heart is hurt by that harsh words that you heard from that person you said...".I said.

"But,I just only met him today then how will I like that person that I don't know..?".she asked.I smiled and said.

"Sweety... it is an unpredictable feeling that always come unexpectedly at unusual just met him today...but,you know,we feel this feelings on anytime or matter if you knows him for long or you just met him... you'll know it soon...".I said.

My sweetheart has fall in love with that boy....but,she didn't realise it...she need sometimes...then,she will know the magic of love...

[A/n:- I don't know that it is short or long so... 😅 was the part...?I hope you like it 🤗 ok stay tone...]

Wait for chapter-4

Catch me if you can Mafia..! (ThV Ff)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz