chapter-15-what is she?

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Now,it is dinner time.

Jin send a maid to call everyone for dinner.everyone came down one by one.taehyung also came and sat on his usual seat silently.he roamed his eyes to find y/n who wasn't present there.

"Hyung...where is she?".he asked him who sat on his seat.

"the maid went to call,she will be here...".he replied and taehyung hummed.they all were waiting for her.the maid came down but,y/n wasn't with her.they all were confused.

"Where is she..?".jk asked the maid.

"She said that she is not feeling hungry...".the maid replied and back away.they all sighed and look at taehyung who didn't bother it.

"If she is not hungry then let's start to eat...".he said and everyone obey it because they can only do that.

The whole dinner was so silent that no one was speaking.if y/n was there, it won't be this much awkward.

After the dinner, everyone went to their rooms.taehyung was about to open the door of his room when his gaze turned towards her room.

Taehyung POV

Is she feeling this much disappointment of her loss..?This is not good... let's see what happens in the morning.if she continues it,I have to do something...

I went inside my room.I layed on the bed and today's incident came into my mind.

She is such a fool who didn't even realise that I was acting... I'm so awesome...I deserve an Oscar...she looks so sympathetic...from now on,she will obey me...

I smirked at her reaction when she was caught up by my drama.

I was so tired after that was so hard to catch her.also,I didn't expect that she will climb up there.

How did she climb up there...? No one can do that..! Then,how did she do it so easily..?she is so extreme...she can do this much stuns then imagine how many times she get into accidents...

My mind was questioning me but I don't have any answers.I feel sleepy right now and slept.

I was helping those people who were living at the park giving them new pair of dress and lots of food.everyone were busy with it then, suddenly I heard this.


When I heard this familiar name calls by the familiar voice,I turned around to see halmoni and a girl whose back was facing me.

Is that...the mysterious girl...!?

They were talking each other and also, being nice.her sweet giggles was echoing inside my ears.I feel something terrible inside my stomach like heart was beating insanely.that girl was making me feel something that I never experienced.

"Oh taehyungaah...! Come my cupcake...y/n...this is kim taehyung...". halmoni said.I was getting excited to see her face.she was turning then suddenly...

Beep *buzz* beep *buzz* beep *buzz*

"AHHH WHAT THE HELL IS THIS..!!".I opened my eyes,sat up on the bed and look at my phone which was ringing.I look at the phone I'd and it was mr choi.

Nice timing mr choi...

I picked it up and yell.after that I cut it without hearing anything.That was the time when I realised that it was a dream...

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