chapter-6- my life has changed because of a robbery

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After that, everyone left from there leaving me all alone.

This bitches...

But,the shocking thing is he is one of the mafias here...I can't believe this... is his brothers also were the mafia too..?

No y/ is not the time to think about these need to get out of here as soon as possible...

I started to look around to see anything sharp like knife,blade or something.if I get that,I can cut this rope and free myself.and I found a little knife on the table.I started to reach it but jumping Along with the chair.

I know that I am doing something stupid but, I have to do it...

And I reached the was a like a, it's easy to took the knife.I took the knife by my tied hand and I got it.

Well done...

I started to cut the rope by the knife slowly because if I didn't do it carefully My viens will cut and I will be die...I was trying my best to cut it.

Taehyung POV

As I reached the hall,I saw mr Leo.

"Oh time no see...".he said and I look at him blankly.

"What's bring you here..?".I said Coldly.

"I want someone that you have here now...".he said."what do you mean by someone..?".I asked him.he chuckled at me and said.

"Blackwings".he said.I look at him with raised eyebrow.

What!? How did he know that she is here..?why do we want a street thief like her..?

"For what?".I ask further to know about it."she has stolen something from us and we want it was our tresure...and she has it...".he said calmly.

What kind of a treasure did she stole from him..?

"So,will you let her to us...we will deal with her...".he said while smirking.

That is not a good sign...I think that he will kill her if I send her to him...but it is not my business to meddle...but,why am I feeling like my inner voice is saying...

Don't let her go...she is treasure...if I let her go,she will never get back to me...

I don't know why but, I think I need to refuse it...

"It's ok... I'll deal with her because she broke inside the BTS Mansion and if something get inside this mansion it cannot go anywhere without our permission...".I said.

Suddenly,we heard a sound from was the sound of 2 mens saying.

"Catch her...!".I look at my guards to signal them.they understand it and was about to move them suddenly, someone fell down from was a men but, I'm sure that it is not ours.then,the another men also fell from the stairs.

What is going on..?

Then,I noticed a familiar figure upstairs looking down

Wait... it's did she escaped...?

*Few minutes ago*

Y/n pov

I realised the rope is cutted just need a little bit.then I heard footsteps.

Someone is coming...hurry up buddy...cut off...

And it finally cut off.but,I stayed there like I was still tied up.I saw two mens coming towards me.but,these guys looks like the one I saw in this mansion.I think they are not the mens of that V...

Catch me if you can Mafia..! (ThV Ff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora