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Melissa sat on the ground with Mia. She could not believe her ears.

"Pregnant? But could you tell me who the father is?"

"Ryan is the father," Mia admitted, embarrassed.

Melissa assumed she was experiencing a horrific nightmare.

"Mia, what are you saying? What did the jerk do to you?"

"If you think he raped me, you are mistaken. I had sex with him freely."

"However, why? What about Xena?"

"Mom, I'm going to explain everything to you."

Ryan was in his cell. Someone knocked on the door. It's Jeremiah, the unscrupulous jailer.

"Dagon, you have some visitors."

"It's not a visiting day."

A huge man walked into the jail. He was Ariston, a brutal mafia member.

"Good day, Dagon. I have a wonderful gift for you."

Ryan rose from his seat and said:

"I do not want anything from you."

"You'll enjoy this. Come inside, kid."

A terrified-looking young man entered the cell. Jeremiah laughed and went away.

"Who the hell is this guy?" Ryan wondered.

"He'll be your escort if you pay me enough. He is quite submissive."

Ryan became outraged.

"Who told you that I wanted to fuck a guy? I've already turned down a few offers since I arrived."

"But this one is very cute..."

"What's your name, boy?" Ryan questioned the pallid young man.

"Jeff Jepson, sir."

"How old are you?"

"I am 18 years old, sir."

"Do not address me as Sir. Ariston, how much do you want?"

Ariston laughed.

"I knew you would enjoy him. I'd like 1,000 Ablings."

"Alright." Ryan handed him the cash. "He is now mine. Nobody can ever get close to him."


Ariston left. Jeff was trembling. He was aware of Ryan's fame.

"Jeff, you can relax. I won't fuck you now or ever. Despite having had sexual encounters with some males, I prefer women. I'll defend you, and you'll support me."

Mia finished telling the entire story. Melissa asked:

"What are your plans, honey? I completely support you in whatever decision you make."

Mia grinned, grateful for her mother's unwavering support.

"Thank you, mom. I am going to have a baby. That is something I have already determined. But I'm afraid and excited at the same time. This is going to break down Xena."

Mia started to cry. Melissa embraced her. Mia leaned on her mother's shoulder. Mia settled down and said:

"I need to inform Ryan. He needs to know."

"I agree. We must go to the prison and meet him on the next visiting day."

"No, mom. I'm going by myself."

"Jeff, why are you here? This is a maximum-security facility," asked Ryan. 

Jeff averted his sight.

"I murdered a police officer."


"He sexually abused me. I grabbed his revolver and shot him till the ammunition ran out."

Ryan yelled:


"Nobody believed what I said. It is all absurd, sir."

"Please, call me Ryan. I promise to discuss your case with my lawyer to explore options for an appeal. You deserve justice, and I will do everything I can to help you. You don't deserve to be here."

"Are you willing to do it for me? Nobody ever helped me."

"I am going to aid you. Perhaps if someone had intervened sooner, I could have been a different person."

"Thanks, Ryan."

Mia entered the visiting room to speak with Ryan on the visiting day. He was expecting her at the usual spot.

"Hi, Ryan," she said softly, her voice tinged with nervousness as she approached him.

"Hi, Mia. What led you here? I told you to stay away from me."

"Listen to me, Ryan. I need to tell you something important. I am pregnant. We're going to have a baby."

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