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Arthur waited for Mia at her front door. He hadn't seen her in some months. When Mia saw her father, she felt conflicted. She had already forgiven him for the atrocities he had committed. She knew he wasn't the same man who had committed those atrocities. However, approaching him was still a daunting task for her.

Arthur stated:

"Nice to meet you, Mia. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to surrender myself to the police."

Mia was taken aback and asked:

"Why are you going to do this now? It makes no sense."

"Amber taught me an important lesson. I must pay for the atrocities I have committed."

"Don't go, Dad," Mia begged.

"What's the matter, Mia? You don't want me to go because I'll blame Ryan, right? What are your feelings about the man? You talk to him, protect him, and treat me terribly. He did far worse things than I did. You've called him a monster several times," her father replied.

Mia hesitated, unsure of how to respond. She knew her father was right in some ways, but she couldn't bear to see him go to jail. She pleaded with him to reconsider, but deep down, she knew that he had made up his mind.

"I've forgiven you a long time ago, Dad. I was just away and didn't have a chance to speak with you. I want to help Ryan redeem himself, and I think I'm succeeding."

Arthur sighed and chuckled regretfully.

"I'm relieved and overjoyed that you've forgiven me. It brings immense happiness to my heart. However, you will never be able to redeem Ryan. I see he has you completely under his spell. Consider this, daughter. Consider your feelings for Ryan and proceed with caution. He is dangerous. Nurture and cherish the profound bond you share with Xena. I will see you soon."

Mia was nervous and thoughtful. She knew her father had a point, but she couldn't shake the feeling that Ryan was capable of change. She had seen glimpses of goodness in him, moments where he seemed truly remorseful for his past actions. And she couldn't ignore the connection she felt with him—the way he made her feel alive and understood in a way no one else ever had. But she also knew she couldn't ignore her father's warning and his concern for her safety. She would have to tread carefully, balancing her feelings for Ryan with her loyalty to Xena and her well-being. It was a difficult decision, but one she knew she had to make for herself.

Following her conversation with Arthur, Mia proceeded to meet Rowena. She was pleased to see her, but she saw the girl's worried gaze immediately.

"What's the matter, Mia? You seem concerned."

"I am concerned. I'm completely in love with Xena. Our relationship is everything to me. We get along wonderfully, and she means the world to me. But what my father said today scared me."

"What exactly did Arthur tell you?"

"That I was being too attentive to Ryan, and that it was because I had a crush on him."

"And how do you feel about him, my dear?"

"I want to help him, and Forestvale Manor has asked me to help redeem him."

Rowena quietly replied:

"Do not believe anything Forestvale Manor says. I had thought it was only linked with light, but after realizing its neutrality, I'm not sure I can trust its good intentions anymore. Be cautious, Mia."

"Please, Rowena, read me the tarot to clarify my situation."

"Okay. Sit back and relax. I am going to start preparing."

Rowena began the reading by lighting a few white candles.

She started by saying:

"May what I see in this reading be true. So mote it be."

Rowena shuffled the deck and asked Mia to select ten cards. Rowena began reading after a brief period of stillness.

"Mia, you are undergoing a maturation and personal growth process. You must pay great heed to the signs that Divinity sends you."

Mia replied.

"I didn't realize you believed in the divine. We are not a particularly religious home. I'm not sure if I believe in a deity, but I accept everyone's thoughts and beliefs."

Rowena stated:

"I'll talk about it another time, but yes, I do have a goddess as my patron. My faith guides me in readings like this."

Mia replied:


Rowena carried on reading.

"You are at the epicentre of events."

Mia stated:

"The prophecy was false. Xena had proof, and she showed it to me."

"I'm not referring to a prophecy, Mia. I am referring to your position at the heart of events. On one side, there's Xena. She's your true love. Felix was an adorable first love, but Xena is your true love. On the other hand, there's Ryan. He appears to be a strong man, yet he has one weakness: you."

Mia acted nervously.

"Why me?"

"Because you are more powerful than him, that shattered his schemes, and despite everything, he enjoyed it. He's teetering on the edge of redemption because of your influence, but the shadows of his past loom large, threatening to engulf him once more. Dark forces are at work behind him, but you can save him. Ryan is your destiny, and he is yours."

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