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Mia was surprised by Ryan's words.

"You're talking about Terra, Felix's girlfriend?"

Ryan replied:

"Yes. But she is no longer Felix's girlfriend."

"Are you sleeping with her?" Mia asked.

Rya burst into laughter.

"Sleep with her? Except for sleeping, we do everything... We fuck occasionally."

Mia could feel herself panting for breath. She couldn't believe what she heard. She responded with a half-smile.

"You should go to therapy for this, Ryan. You keep attracting younger lovers! Tabitha was 30 years old, and Terra... I think she is my age."

Ryan chuckled.

"Therapy might not be a bad idea," he said, still grinning. "I didn't look for Terra. She searched for me. She is a member of the current Shadow Cult, of which I must inform you that I am no longer their leader. I'm over it all."

Mia tried to absorb all of the information.

"Who is the current leader? Do you continue to attend meetings? What about Terra?"

Ryan chuckled as he continued:

"Terra is quite taken with me; she adores me. I've been visiting the cult occasionally, but I don't actively participate in the rites."

"And what do you feel for her?" Mia asked, suddenly feeling a strange weight in her heart.

"There's nothing, Mia. She is sexy and sensual. I enjoy banging on her. I apologize for being so frank, but this is reality."

Terra unexpectedly opened the door.

"Hello, Mia. It's wonderful to see you. Ryan, as you can see, is in great health. My healing talents surpass Felix's. By the way, Ryan is a better lover than Felix."

Mia felt a mix of shock and discomfort at Terra's blunt words, unsure of how to respond.

Ryan gave Terra a puzzled look, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. He said:

"Terra, what you said is unnecessary."

"Mia already knows. Did you fuck with her?"

Ryan told Mia:

"Terra is obsessed with authenticity. Excuse her; she is from another dimension, and they have different customs."

"I'm leaving," replied Mia.

Ryan quickly grabbed Mia's arm before she could storm out, whispering:

"Please don't go. You don't pay attention to Terra."

Terra stated:

"I let Ryan take my blood. Isn't that a beautiful gesture, Mia?"

Mia pulled her arm away from Ryan's grasp.

"I'm not interested in your private games," she said before walking away.

Theolinda began reviewing the documents from the 'Shadow Cult' investigation. Rogers indicated that the probe was closed owing to a lack of evidence.

Hayley Delorean, a woman who was studying art at the time, was among the complainants. This was a name Theolinda recognized. She recognized immediately that she was a sculptor who had achieved some success a few years before.

The other complainant was Liam Bell, or Tempest Oddman, as he was known in the symphonic rock band The Dusk Goth, where he was the drummer. Theo wasn't a fan, but she was aware of their success. She remembered how the band was battling their publishing business for more control over their work. She also recalled Tempest's drug addiction issues, which were well publicized on gossip shows.

Brady took down their names and addresses to contact them and compare what they stated to what Amber Skaff said.

The sound of the waves was soothing and beautiful, splashing up on the beach's rocks and reverberating in the background. Mia and Xena were seated next to each other near the lighthouse, gazing out at the sea. The sun was lowering beyond the horizon, turning the sky a rich pink tint, and a salty ocean breeze tousled their hair.

Xena appeared like a dark angel, glowing in the fading sunlight. Every aspect of her, from her delicate features to her deep brown eyes, captivated Mia. She recognized that Xena possessed inner beauty, a power of soul, and kindness that left her breathless. Mia shattered the stillness by asking Xena:

"Why did Ryan say your name when Amber shot him?"

With sadness in her voice, Xena replied:

"Hadn't he told you? You're so close now."

Mia did not want to argue with Xena. She wished to kiss and caress her.

She responded:

"I did not ask him. I was curious as to why he stayed unharmed, as we all saw him severely hurt."

Xena stood up and said:

"Promise that you won't tell anyone."

Mia replied:

"I promise."

Xena stated:

"Ryan is my father."

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