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In this chapter, I have to introduce you to two new and important characters, Tyler Rogers, Homicide Detective, and Theolinda Brady, Assistant Detective. You can see a picture of them above.

The pictures are from this website:

Mia awoke in Glouminster Hospital. Melissa and Xena sat beside her, with Arthur sitting close to the door. He did not dare to approach Mia.

"Are you okay, Mia? How are you?" Xena smiled and moved in for a kiss on the lips.

Mia smiled and placed her hand in Xena's. She was barely able to answer. Melissa stated:

"Xena, she has just awoken from anaesthesia. Do not rush her, okay?"

Xena sat up, feeling ashamed.

"You're right, Melissa, but I'm so glad to see her awake."

"I am happy as well, but you must contain yourself, honey. Take your time, Mia." Melissa touched Mia's cheek.

Mia said:

"It's good to see you again. I recall the shooting, the blood gushing from the wound, and Ryan's terrified visage."

"Don't mention that jerk, Mia. How could he have done that to you?"

"Xena, he didn't do anything."

Melissa stated:

"It's natural to be puzzled. You're still having problems recalling the information."

"No, mom. Everything is quite clear in my head. I was standing next to Ryan when someone shot me through the door. Ryan cannot be arrested! I need to speak to the police."

"Mia, please lie down again. You need to rest and let your body recover," Melissa pleaded with concern.

"And you are still defending that son of a bitch? Mia, I do not understand you!" Xena yelled.

Arthur stood back and watched, not daring to intervene. He was aware of Ryan's attraction and felt his daughter was under his spell.

There was a knock on the door, which Arthur opened. Tyler Rogers and Theolinda Brady are homicide detectives.

"Is this Mia Richardson's room?" Rogers inquired.

"She's my daughter. Please feel free to enter. She is awake now." Arthur replied.

"Thank you; that's very kind of you," Theolinda Brady replied.

Homicide Detective Rogers walked straight into the room and approached the group of women. He was a man who commanded respect simply by being present; his towering black hair, dark blue eyes, and almost constant frown made him appear intimidating. But he just wanted the actual crooks. He was a quiet and good-natured man who adored his wife Rachel and two children, Jake, an adolescent, and Alisha, their younger daughter. However, he lacked patience and was angry with his coworkers, especially his closest buddy, Assistant Detective Theolinda Brady.

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