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The room was lit by black and red candles. Alisha lay in the center of the dimly lit room, her heart racing with fear. She was naked and bound to the altar, a common occurrence during these dark rituals. Alisha had not anticipated it. She merely desired to no longer be a virgin. She didn't want a throng of zealots to do whatever they wanted with her, including murder. Alisha squeezed her eyes shut, desperately wishing it was all a nightmare. However, as she reluctantly opened them, the chilling reality persisted before her. For the first time in years, she started praying with trust.

Meanwhile, Laura recited:

"O Spiritus tenebrarum, o Spiritus concupiscentiae, hanc virginem ingredere, in hoc tibi oblato perfecto, et fiat tibi fidelissimus servus."

In front of Alisha, an unusual combination of mist and dark red light danced in the air.

The tiny mist approached her and found its way into her chest. She became seized by the spirits of evil and lust. Laura's passion grew, and everyone in the group was pleased with what they observed. Laura informed one of her followers:

"I need the victim's blood, Rufus. We all want it so we may absorb all of her wisdom."

'What are these crazy folks saying?'

But the poor girl was unable to say anything. Terror rendered her speechless. The handsome young man Alisha had admired moved closer.

The door opened unexpectedly.

"Stop! Do not move. We're the police. We have weapons."

Alisha said:

"Dad! I'm here. Please help me."

Rogers was immobilized. Nobody made any moves. He could feel the rage in his chest. The animals had taken his precious daughter. He was going to kill everyone.

Brady realized the situation and, with a discreet motion, urged his friends to arrest Laura and the other cult members. She approached Rogers slowly and said:

"Calm down, Rogers. We came on time. You are going to put down the pistol. Everyone's been arrested. You leave the house without doing anything. Please let me attend to your daughter."

Rogers nodded, still surprised. Another cop arrived to help him, but he declined with a disrespectful gesture and bolted.

Brady approached the horrified girl.

"How are you, Alisha? I am Theolinda Brady, your father's assistant. I am going to release you. Do not be frightened."

Alisha stared at Brady, horrified.

"Ma'am, I was bad. What happened to me was my fault."

Theolinda saw the girl's clothing and gave it to her.

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