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Dagon Enterprises was a global leader in the development of technology advancements that improve people's lives. Founded in 1960 by visionary engineering genius Dalton Dagon, the company  evolved swiftly and established itself as an industry leader.

Dagon Enterprises specialized in cutting-edge R&D in artificial intelligence, robotics, additive manufacturing, sustainable energy, telecommunications, biotechnology, aerospace, and medical technologies. Each division was staffed by some of the brightest minds in their respective fields, and they were given the freedom to pursue novel approaches to pushing the boundaries of technology and scientific discovery.

Dagon Enterprises, as a corporation, promoted teamwork and encouraged its staff to go beyond the box when it came to developing new ideas. The corporation had established itself as a leader in numerous technology sectors, with warehouses, offices, and research facilities in seven nations.

After his father died, Ryan took over as CEO at the age of 20. Four years later, he inexplicably disappeared but not before leaving a power of attorney to represent him in all matters about the corporation. Ryan opted to rejoin the organization after his return. Everyone was relieved when he returned because working with a 'ghost' boss was unusual for everyone.

Ryan strode into the main building that morning, a determined expression on his face. Devon Bowman, the company's deputy director, welcomed him warily because his boss had always appeared strange to him.

"Good morning, Mr. Dagon. It was a pleasure to serve you. Would you like something to drink?"

"No, Bowman. I need to talk to you about the changes I want to make to the company."

Bowman stared worriedly at Ryan.

"Don't worry, Bowman. They are minor but require modifications. I'll explain."

Later, in Forestvale Manor's attic. Mia, Xena, and an eager Ryan were gathered.

"Xena, please show us the documents you have," Ryan demanded.

Xena opened her bag and took out four old, yellowed papers. She opened them and said:

"Now I'll read them, and then you'll have to return to reality and leave Mia alone."

Xena unfolded the papers and began to read them, fixing her gaze on the words. Without finding Liber's lost pages, she discovered instructions for bizarre rituals. Xena stormed up to Ryan, forcefully slamming the papers onto his chest, and declared:

"You hid the real documents. Where have they gone, son of a bitch?"

Ryan met Xena's gaze intently and reacted calmly.

"I do not have the papers. I'm not sure what you are talking about. Ask someone else, and you know who I mean. Don't, on the other hand, address me in that manner."

"I'll talk to you the way I want. You have no right to tell me anything."

"Xena, you may have gotten the wrong papers."

"I had them tucked between my underwear in a drawer, Mia."

Ryan busted out laughing.

"Do you think I'm going to look through your underwear?"

During the chaos, Amber suddenly arrived, brandishing a gun in her hand, and screamed:

"You fucking bastard. You're going to pay for what you did to me and many others."

Amber fired three shots into the center of Ryan's chest, shocking everyone with the suddenness of the action. It resulted in a significant amount of blood. Ryan could only say this:


Xena did not say anything. She merely remained there, silently seeing Ryan's anguish.

Mia was the first to react.


He spoke weakly while lying on the floor.

"It was great meeting you, Mia."

Ryan's raised hand fell hard to the floor.

"Ryan," Mia repeated as she started coming towards him.

Xena intervened.

"Mia, don't touch him because they might suspect you're involved in the crime."

Mia said:

"Ryan deserved to redeem himself."

They both saw Amber struggle to get her smartphone out of her bag and dial a number as soon as she got it in her hands.

"Is this the police station? I have just committed a crime. You're welcome to come and arrest me."

Amber took Mia and Xena off guard by stating:

"I have to pay for my crime. I am responsible for my actions. I am not like them."

Following the event, everyone fled Forestvale Manor and congregated outside to await the arrival of the police. Mia cried as she reflected on the significance of Ryan's last words, calling Xena. It felt like a plea, but the full meaning eluded her. 

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