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Amber drove Mia to college the next day.

"Thanks for the ride, Amber. Have a good trip to Glouminster."

"No problem, Mia. You're welcome to stay at my place for as long as you need. I think it's safer there."

"I will. See you soon."

When Mia entered the Faculty of Psychology building, someone grabbed her arm from behind. It was Ryan.

"Mia, I have to talk to you."

Furious, Mia stated:

"Okay, but come with me."

Mia took Ryan to a quiet area, a walkway between bushes that few people used at the time.

"I want you to know that I don't want to have anything to do with the Light or the Darkness," she said. "I am very content with my normal student life."

"That's not possible, Mia, and you know it. You are called to greater things than this mediocrity." Ryan replied.

"What you call mediocrity, I consider to be a wonderful life."

"Forestvale Manor is now mine. Everything is possible from there. Even having this average life, but accomplishing other superior things. You could have everything!"

"And for that, you want me to have a child with you. Ryan, I don't want to."

Ryan abruptly took Mia from her arms, pulling her closer to him with an intense look in his eyes. He gazed deeply into her eyes, hoping to mesmerize her and bend her to his will. However, Mia stood her ground and refused to be controlled. She broke away from his hypnotic stare and declared:

"Do whatever you wish. Rule over the entire world. Seek your revenge. But I'm no longer a part of it."

Mia wriggled free from Ryan's clutches in an attempt to run, but he grabbed one of her arms again, knocking Xena's bracelet to the ground. Neither of them were aware.

"Mia, please come with me to Forestvale Manor. I want you to achieve your power potential. We'll control the Darkness, and the world will be at our feet; we'll destroy and rebuild it as we please."

Mia looked at Ryan, angry and heartbroken. Mia was well aware of his pain; she had no idea why, but she did not want him to suffer.

"I do not want to be a part of your power fantasies, Ryan. What other abilities do I have besides being able to blow things or people through the air and produce minor earthquakes?"

"You have the power to generate all types of magical energy during the sexual act, which you might use to your advantage or that of any other person present. The Shadow Cult would have wanted a member with such magical abilities."

Mia wondered in awe if Ryan had fully lost his mind or if it was simply the strangest manner of seeking sex. In any case, she responded:

"Ryan, how do you know that?"

"I have my sources. If you do not believe me, you can talk with Forestvale Manor's consciousness. You know that the mansion has a consciousness. It was constructed by your great-grandfather. Furthermore, did you notice any unusual events when you fucked Felix?"

"I didn't fuck Felix; I made love with him. And, certainly, we saw a great white light enveloping us. It appeared weird, but we didn't give it any thought."

"It's a magical energy that can be used to gain any kind of power."

"Alright, Ryan. I will accompany you. But I'm going to ask Forestvale Manor whether I can get rid of those powers."

It isn't possible, but I appreciate you accompanying me."

Xena walked down the lane and was surprised to find her bracelet lying on the ground. She picked it up and tried to call Mia, but received no response. This made her worried.

Feeling concerned, Xena called Rowena and shared her thoughts.

"I found a bracelet I gave to Mia on the floor, and she hasn't returned my calls or messages. I fear that it's Ryan."

Rowena was at home, reading Tarot cards, when Xena called. She replied to her:

"The Battle has begun. Go back to Glouminster and fight."

Xena wasted no time and started packing her bags for her return to Glouminster.

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