"I- when I woke up, I was just-" they stopped and took a shaky, deep breath before wrapping their arms around themself and starting again.

"My thoughts were just- horrible. I couldn't escape them. I couldn't change them. I felt like I couldn't even control myself. And- and-" they took another shaky breath.

"Ch-Chay, I was so scared," Struct whispered, suddenly looking so small and fragile.

They looked up at me with a broken light in their eyes. I hugged them tightly, holding onto them comfortingly.

"What happened?" I asked softly, wanting to learn more about what had happened.

"I... my thoughts were just so dark, and they were true-" Struct cut themself off with a shudder.

I comfortingly rubbed their back as they tried to gather themself.

"Basically, I was thinking on how I could just kill myself, right then and there, and there was nobody to stop me," Struct summarized shakily with another shudder.

My eyes widened slightly.

"It just got worse from there," Struct murmured, burying their face in my chest.

"I'm sorry," I whispered softly.

"'S not your fault," Struct muttered back, their voice a bit muffled.

They suddenly shivered and buried themself deeper into my hold. I frowned, holding them closer with worry.

"Are you cold?" I asked with concerned curiosity.

Struct nodded against my chest, continuing to shiver.

"You're wearing a thick hoodie, though," I murmured.

I summoned a thick, black blanket and wrapped it around Struct, which grabbed the edges gratefully and wrapped themself in the blanket tightly.

They lied across my lap, their head buried and on my chest. I was holding them gently, my arms wrapped around them comfortingly.

I could feel Struct shivering from under the blanket.

"You might be sick," I mused.

"Can entities even get sick?" They groaned.

"Yes. It's much harder for them than mortals, but it's normal for entities to get sick once or twice a millenia," I told him thoughtfully.

Struct muttered a few colorful swears under their breath.

"I'm just tired and cold, that doesn't mean that I'm sick," they protested.

"Do you have any symptoms or anything?" I asked.

"I mean, I do have a headache, and I guess I did throw up today, I'm tired, not sleepy, but tired, and I'm just cold," Struct shrugged.

I snorted humorlessly.

"Struct, that sounds like a sickness," I laughed.

"No," they denied stubbornly.

I sobered up once I realized that Struct was shivering more violently.

"Do you wanna go downstairs and lie down on the couch or do you wanna stay here?" I asked them.

"It doesn't really matter," they shrugged.

"But if it did?"

"Fine, let's stay here," Struct said with an eye roll.

I picked him up and got up, lifting the covers and placing Struct on their bed. I covered him with the covers and eyed him carefully for a few seconds.

Story of Destruction and ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now