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"Hey Jaune! Where are you guys going?"

Ruby Rose asked her first friend in Beacon. Ruby stood at 5'1, with short black hair with red tips, and wears a simple white T-shirt and a black combi.

She's the leader of team RWBY, an all female team and one of the strongest team in Beacon.

"Hey Ruby," Jaune greeted with a smile, "we're heading to Vale for a little team building exercise."

Jaune changed his clothes. Now, he wears a blue denim jacket over a white shirt, with a black jeans and red sneakers.

"Hello again," Pyrrha greeted Ruby with her signature smile and a wave. She currently has her scarlet hair tied to a ponytail, and wears a red coat over a white V-neck shirt paired with a black skirt while covering her legs with black stockings. She finished her outfit with a brown leather shoes.

"Hey Pyrrha." Ruby grinned at her, waving her hand.

"Hello bestie!" Nora greeted Ruby. The short orange haired girl was wearing an orange jacket over a white shirt, and paired with a denim shorts and a pair of pink high cut shoes.

"Nora! Hi!"

Ruby and Nora surprisingly hit it off as soon as they met each other awhile back. Though, they do have some disagreements on which is better; cookies or pancakes.

"Good morning." Ren gave a small nod. He wears a green jacket over a black t-shirt and white jeans, his long black hair was tied to a braid.

"Aww~, I wish I could go with you guys, but Weiss has been pestering me to finish my assignments." Ruby pouted.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll buy you some gifts when we return." Said Jaune.

Ruby's eyes sparkled, "really? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She leapt to his arms, hugging him tightly.

"Oh my," Nora covered her mouth with her hand, before looking at the stunned Pyrrha, "Looks like we have a love triangle going on."

Pyrrha just narrowed her eyes. She's fine with Jaune liking Weiss, because it is an absolute fact that she doesn't like him romantically. But it's a different story if someone else other than her go for him.

It must not be allowed.

Ruby blushed hearing Nora as she quickly leapt back and rubbed the back of her head, "sorry, I got carried away. Hehe."

"It's fine. My little sister used to do that a lot."

Ruby just opened her eyes wide in shock, "little si—, little sister!?"

"Ha! He shut her down without even trying!" Nora laughed.

"Nora, don't make fun of her." Ren said to her childhood friend.

"Anyway," Jaune looked at his watch, "Sorry Rubes, we need to catch our ride. We'll see you later."

With that, Jaune walked away, with his team following behind him.

"Bye-bye, bestie!"

Ruby just waved her hand with a forced smile, before slumping down.

"Oh drat. Do I look so small I can be called a little sister? Granted I'm two years younger, but still!"

She looked at her chest. "Must be because of these. Darn it, how come Yang's are so big and mine are so small? We're sisters! And I drink more milk than she does!"

It's fine if Jaune called her sister, but little sister?! Seriously?! Is she that small?!

Pouting lightly, she walked towards the cafeteria to get some snacks. All the while complaining to every gods in existence about how unfair life is.






"Okay, Ren you go and choose a fridge, portable stove, pans, microwave, and the like that we will need. Nora, you go and help Ren."

"On it."

"Roger, bossman!"

"Pyrrha, you go choose our tables and chairs, plates and utensils. Also some furnitures as well."

"Very well."

"And imma head out to buy us some TV."

Currently, inside a shopping mall, Jaune and his team scattered to follow his orders. With Jaune walking towards TV area.

He withdrew some cash earlier and gave them to his team for them to use to pay the things he asked them to buy.

Nora and Ren never really questioned where the money came from, and just asked if he was actually a son from a rich family, to which Jaune just said yes.

Ren just nodded and Nora just gave a thumbs up. They didn't ask any more questions and accepted the money.

As Jaune arrived to his destination, he browse the store for a bit before he chose to buy a 50-inches Arcsung holographic TV, and yes, the brand belongs to his family.

Jaune never really questioned why his family seems to have a hold on almost all of the world's major industries, he just grew up learning all this that he feels like it's normal.

Even he never really know just how rich his family was, or how did they get so rich and influential.

But according to the books from library he read when he was young, the Arc Family has been around for a long, long time. Long before humanity even 'discovered' Dusts.

Arc Family used to have such a large number of members, but they gradually declined, and right now, those with the blood of Arc can only be counted with one hand.

"...How about some PlayStations and computers as well?"

He shrugs and decided to buy four PCs, one for each of them, and a PS5 with four controllers as well.

They needed some entertainment.

After he was done with his purchase, he waited for the rest of his team as they asked the store to load all they bought to a bullhead and have it deliver to Beacon.

After that, they went to a grocery store to buy everything they needed from meat, vegetables, fruits, a sack of rice, among other things.

Before they returned though, Jaune decided to have some lunch while they're still in Vale before following the bullhead back to Beacon.

"By the way Jaune," Ren, sitting on a seat in a bullhead, turned towards his friend and leader, "aside from a microwave, a portable stove, fridge, pan, and a frying pan, I also bought a blender, a wok, a thermo pot, and kitchen knives."

"That's fine," Jaune just nonchalantly wave his hand in dismissal.

"Oh, and Jaune," Pyrrha called out, "Aside from the table and chairs I bought for eating, I also bought a sofa and four bean bags, along with four wardrobes."

"Oh, well, that's fine. I did say you can buy anything you feel is necessary."

Jaune turned towards the other member of their team, Nora, who was asleep and leaning on Ren's shoulders.

He shrugs, and decided to take a nap as well.

He took out his earphones and put them on, before playing some songs and closing his eyes.

Jaune Arc: The Wrought Iron HeroWhere stories live. Discover now