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Mathias | Dallas

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Mathias | Dallas

5:48 AM

you're online early

what's the occasion?

is now a good time to talk?

6:00 am

yeah, why wouldn't it be?

i'm more shocked that you get up early lol

you're running on, what? six hour of sleep?

you must be tired

nah, i'm good dw

6:01 am

are you trying your hair products?

actually, no

to be honest, i haven't tried those in a while

that's a shame. you were so excited about tying them out and getting into haircare. what happened? 

i still am

but I was thinking that it doesn't really make sense since i don't get to wear my hair out a lot

but i'd like to use them again. it was a fun experience

"get to?"

oh well not really "get to" per see. maybe that was the wrong way to put it

but as i told you, Sebastian doesn't really like my hair

it sucks, but i don't mind wearing wigs and braids either

Sebastian seems to have a problem with a lot of things


i'm sorry, i don't mean to butt in, but

it just doesn't seem right to me when someone tries to control what another wears, how they act, or who they talk to

sorry if i crossed the line again but

i just...want you to be happy, that's all

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