37 | Plans For Spring Break

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Mathias | Dallas

LOSING YOUR VIRGINITY REALLY WASN'T LIKE how it made out to be in romance novels or any of those cheesy romcoms. Dallas didn't feel sparks, fireworks, nor all her emotions tumbling out and whirling around her. The only thing that made her cognizant of the strange experience was the dull throbbing between her legs, swollen lips, the faint red blemishes littered along the length of her neck, and the knowledge that she could no longer be called a 'virgin'.

She climbed out of bed first that morning, leaving a heavily snoring Sebastian nestled into the silk sheets as she made her way down to the kitchen, where she stood at that moment. The crispy scent of bacon and chamomile tea sprung fresh in the air as she moved about, whipping up a quick breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and tea. Twisting the stove handle to turn the burner down low, she covered the frying pan to allow the bacon stripe to simmer down into tender, slowly cooked bits.

After that, she carefully lowered herself onto a nearby stool. She released a small breath as she looked around the kitchen, tapping her fingernails on the counter as she waited for the water to heat up.

Suddenly, her phone chimed with a notification.

The ASL app.

'It's time to practice!' the notification notified, stating that the word of the day was 'sad'. She'd easily breezed through chapters one and two of the app, introductions, and the basics, before her progress slowed and she, naturally, started going days without practice. Today, she clicked the alert, allowing it to transport her to the next course.

"Angry," Dallas verbalized as she smoothly moved her hand according to the instructions. "I am angry." she smiled to herself as she repeated the gesture, solidifying the motion in her mind. It was always odd to think that merely by moving her hands and fingers in a certain way, she could communicate with a person. Maybe not necessarily Mathias, since he could hear, but another individual who wasn't blessed with that privilege.

Even so, there was just something innately fun about the whole thing. It always intrigued her to think that perhaps one day she could chat with Mathias without anyone around them understanding, without having to rely on words, written communication, or signing in fragments.

Before Dallas knew it, her fingers moved on their own to her Yoohoo app and pulled up the abandoned chat with Mathias. She randomly woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep despite having on Sebastian's shirt and feeling his warm hands locking her in a warm, comforting embrace. They passed messages back and forth for a while before Sebastian stirred, prompting Dallas to end the conversation and discard the phone.

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