32 | Future Plans

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FOR THE FIRST TIME IN DALLAS'S LIFE, she felt miserable about wearing a wig.

She swapped out her shorts and body suit for a dress that left her shoulders and cheat bare and snuggled her curves in all the right places, and despite Sebastian's fervent praises about how gorgeous she looked in for the evening, nothing could dilute the pint-sized uneasiness and annoyance swirling around her head.

But of course, she said nothing.

Sebastian was happy with her, and she was happy with him. He looked good. He looked presentable. It was only fair of him to give suggestions on her appearance where necessary; that's what a boyfriend did. Dallas held the crown for the idiot one, getting upset over something so trivial. Of course, he wouldn't like her hair, and he was right. It wasn't presentable, not even in the slightest.

As the evening kicked off in high gear, Dallas's shame and disappointment gradually flowed away. Sebastian parked in the space of a well-lit parking lot, and opened the door for his girlfriend too, they both walked across the lawn and along cobblestone pavement as they made their way into an elevator. Sebastian punched in the digit '8', and the door closed with a ding. Moments later, they stepped into a dimly lit, 5-star restaurant dining hall.

Cove lights and hanging pendant lights scarcely illuminated the ceilings and each table below, the orange light revealing tiny tables surrounded by two plushy cushion chairs each, maximizing the intimacy of the evening. Red roses and neatly wrapped napkins sat on either side of the tables, and men donned pressed tuxedos and women in firetruck lip glosses, and expensive and sparkling gemstone jewelry dresses populated the room, leaning in as they lowly conversed with their companions for the evening, sipping bright red Chianti wine.

Suddenly, Dallas not only felt severely underdressed, but out of place too.

Sebastian slipped his hand into her trembling one, and the simple motion calmed her anxiety. She looked up at him, her heart fluttering at the sight of his darkened, yet gentle eyes watching her.

"It's okay," he leaned down to whisper, giving her hand a small squeeze as he moved away. He looked around the room as if waiting for someone. Not even a minute later, a tall, slender waiter flanked their sides.

He flashed them his practiced million-dollar smile. "Hello, Sebastian. Glad you could make it after all," Sebastian gave him a curt nod and the waiter's dark eyes moved to Dallas next, taking her in. "I see you brought company. I'm Giuseppe, and I'll be your hostess for the evening. Please follow me to your seats."

Giuseppe led them to a seat right by the side of the room, right next to the broad windows that gave them a mesmerizing view of the illuminated city below, and colorful ferries drifting along the water just outside of the city.

"Wow," Dallas breathed, rapt into the sights and smells of everything around her.

"I'm glad you like it," Sebastian commented before guiding her to her seat. Like a gentleman, he pulled out her chair, and smoothly pushed it in for her as she sat. He pressed a quick kiss to her temple before he rounded the table to his seat.

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