43 | Inevitable

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The moment we have all been waiting for :) 

PS: This song always reminds me of Mathias for some reason.


Mathias | Dallas

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Mathias | Dallas

The day dragged on painfully slow for Mathias. After almost bumping into Dallas and having his vibrant greeting dismissed, Dallas was missing in action for the whole day. On the flip side, everyone else mingled and played games all day, while Beckett stayed in her room, claiming that she didn't feel up to socializing much that day.

And so, like the social recluse he also was, Mathias retired to his room for the day, scrolling through Youstream and re-reading message threads from his Yoohoo app until his eyes and brain got tired. Left alone in his empty room with only his thoughts to occupy him, he thought of Dallas countless times. Each time he did, the pool of unease in his stomach grew.

Something was off with Dallas.

He itched to go to her, to talk to her, but after checking Yoohoo for the umpteenth time and noting the grey icon beside Dallas's profile picture, he surmised that she wasn't going to come online that day. Nor was Beckett, who'd also been acting weird.

Only three more days to go.

Flipping his overgrown hair back, Mathias let his eyes fall shut as the warm water poured over his face. He'd showered at least three times that day, relishing the blessing of a shower, warm water no less. It was a delicacy for him, seeing that they only had cold tap water at his home, which proved to be a major pain in the butt, especially during winter. He coated his hair in another helping of the cherry-scented VO5 shampoo before moving under the square shower head, letting the soap and shampoo cascade down his back, all the way into the drain.

Again, his thoughts strayed to Dallas.

Was she okay? Where exactly was her room, anyway? Would he get to see or talk to her before their vacation ended?

Maybe it was best if they didn't.

Minutes later Mathias got out of the shower and stood before the mirror, appraising his appearance. Locks of his dark hair were scattered across his face, facilitating the beads of water that slid down their length and pelted against his cheeks and shoulders. His gaze strayed to his discordant eyes, and on impulse, he glanced away. After all those years of being away from his father and the abuse, his aversion to his situation should've lessened but it remained intact.

The only thing that made him feel a little better about it was Dallas's remark. The tension in his shoulders lessened, and he braced himself off the counter, overlooking his sunglasses as he moved towards the door and exited the bathroom. His steps were light yet purposeful as he made his way down the halls, towards the balcony, where a view of the night sky would surely help calm his thought pattern.

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