21 | Martha ... Starr?

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Mathias | Dallas

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Mathias | Dallas

DALLAS'S PHONE BUZZED WITH A TEXT, rupturing her thought process as she sat by the window at the Cookie Cutter, aimlessly staring off into space.

Thinking it was Sebastian, she didn't look at it for a moment. When she finally worked up the courage to, she realized that it was in fact him.

Seb️: im srry

Dallas archived the chat, and another chat bubble floated to the top. She didn't recognize the name.


hello 👋

Dallas's eyebrows knitted together as she tapped on the person's display photo and zoomed in. The person had a cartoon character for their picture, one Dallas distinctly recognized to be Squirtle from Pokémon.

That's when it clicked.

Not Martha, Mathias.

oh, hey stranger

i haven't heard from you in forever

i was just about to say the same thing

It was then that Dallas realized that it had been a while since she properly spoke to him. Between racing between classes, eating healthy, attending swimming practices, and being Sebastian's girlfriend, communicating with Mathias had been completely out of the question for Dallas. They hadn't texted much either.

sup? how's penelope?

oh, penelope is okay.. she's always crying and throwing a fit. unfortunately, that never gets old or easier to deal with

she's sleeping now, so that's a win for me :)

A flashback of the doll's piercingly shrill screams and wails entered Dallas's mind, making her grimace as she recalled her days with Penelope. She couldn't even begin to fathom how Mathias struggled through it all, juggling school and work. Guilt itched Dallas, barely at first, but then intensified as she pondered the situation.

ugh, now i feel bad about not taking her back for my turn

it's okay...you're busy, aren't you? i understand

yeah, but it's still a group project. i just feel like i'm not pulling my weight 90% of the time


mathias, you're way too nice for your own good, you know

really? ;-;

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