44 | Tender Strength

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Welcome to my favourite chapter :) 

Shawn Mendez, because this song goes perfectly with this chapter 


Mathias | Dallas

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Mathias | Dallas


Sheepishly lowering his head and scratching the back of his flushing neck, Mathias purposefully evaded Beckett's pointed stare as she stood in front of him, arms crossed, tapping her feet on the floor.

A shaky sigh rushed past her lips. "I haven't seen you being this impulsive in a long time. But you took it too far this time. Mathias, you ... you could have died out there." her voice wobbled, and that made Mathias feel a million times worse.

"I know. Sorry for making you worry like that." he signed as he braced himself off the bed and approached her. "Please don't cry."

"I'm not! I'm just relieved," Beckett said, using her collar to dab at her eye. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Mathias. You're my best friend."

At that, Beckett pulled him into a tight hug and stroked his hair like she used to when he had a hard time as a kid. A moment's hesitation passed before his hands encircled her shoulders, gingerly returning the hug. Memories from the night prior crashed back into him, particularly the moment Alec and Joe tricked him. What a cruel joke. Why was he so gullible? The second they uttered Dallas's name, he lost all common sense and dropped everything to find her no matter what.


The memory of soft lips pressed to his own in a fervent kiss raced back to him, and his eyes widened.

Why ... why did she do that?

Before he could get swept into that thought process, Beckett pulled away, eyes brimming with unshed tears as she peered up at him. Her lips cracked into a relieved smile. "You should probably call Eden and let him know you're fine too, right?"

"You told Eden?"

Beckett nodded.

"You didn't tell my mom too, did you? Please tell me you didn't." the last thing he wanted to do was to have his mother endlessly worrying about him, or worse, think that he tried to commit suicide of some nature. But, judging by the fact that his phone hadn't rung since the sun climbed in the sky, perhaps she wasn't aware yet. Beckett shook her head, and Mathias's shoulders sagged with relief. "Thanks."

"You should tell her though. Especially since you're fine."

He wouldn't.

"I will."

Beckett broke away from him and ambled towards his bed, where she took a seat, Mathias in tow.

"Is Dallas okay then?"

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