45 | Palpable Distance

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Mathias | Dallas

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Mathias | Dallas

NEEDLESS TO SAY WHY, Mathias didn't stick around for the remaining two days of their vacation. His room and Beckett's were left spotless, as though they hadn't been occupied at all within the last few days.

Spring break, too, came to an eventual end, and before Dallas knew it, she was back in HFLE class, waiting for Mrs. Troublefield to come and commence the session. Around her, classmates chat excitedly amongst their partners and one another about how their break went, while others fervidly lamented about having to return to school so early. As usual, Dallas sat alone at her desk with her palm pressed against her cheek, tapping the apex of her white ballerina nails against the wooden tabletop.

Unable to resist, she glanced behind her at the desk at the back of the room.

Mathias was seated in his regular seat at the back of the classroom, earphones plugged into his ears as he glanced between two geography textbooks whilst periodically jotting notes in his notebook. Attention glued to his books, he seemed oblivious and disinterested in everyone and everything around him, lost in his own little world.

They hadn't spoken since he left.

Dallas was one of the first students who arrived in the class, and Mathias came in almost thirty minutes later like he usually did. Normally, he would walk into class with his trusty whiteboard and greet her with a vibrant 'Hello,' and his signature coy smile but that morning was different. Without sparing her as much as a glance or a hello, he kept his head down as he wordlessly hurried past her desk at the front and took a seat at the back of the classroom. Dallas tried not to pay too much attention to it, but nothing could suppress the pang of sadness and guilt that hurtled into her from his aloofness.

Although, what did she expect?

"Listen, stop acting like you know me, because you really don't."

"Just leave me hell alone!"

And now, because of that, it was as though their relationship reverted to the state it was when they first got paired up in HFLE class; with Mathias sitting at the back, racing past her as soon as class ended, avoiding her like the plague.

Outside of class and texting, he was practically nowhere to be found.

His existence was akin to a ghost. The ghost of Hillcrest High, Mathias Starr.

Dallas released a slow sigh as she sunk further into her chair, stroking her pulsing temple. The longer she mulled over her attitude toward him back then, the bigger and bigger it seemed in her head, and the lower and lower she felt.

Mathias didn't deserve that.

Looking over her shoulder one last time, Dallas bit her lip and fiddled with her fingers, heavily weighing her option. She was just about to hop off her stool and make her way toward him when another thought hit her.

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