31 | In A New Light

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Mathias | Dallas


No, he didn't fit in the same league as Paxton or Sebastian. In fact, he was in a whole other league with himself.

Mathias was what you'd call pretty; a pretty boy.

Dallas bit her lip as she sunk further into her pillows, wifi off as she scrolled through the stream of texts she exchanged with her new closest friend. Her thumb slowed as she reached the selfie Mathias —on a whim— sent her minutes ago, and one tap enlargened it on the screen.

His elbow was on what seemed to be a kitchen table, his head slightly tilted to the side, wavy hair pushed back as he stared into the camera through his bewitching discolored eyes. The sight of them threw Dallas into a minuscule trance at just how gorgeous they were to her. The blue-colored eye held an icy blue color that looked shades lighter in the picture —because of the flower filter or plain light, who knew — and his dark brown eye looked lighter too. The lower half of the picture partially gave away he was shirtless, as told by the beauty marks splashed against the base of his neck leading down to his shoulders.

Picture :p

Dallas's heart did at least two more vigorous flutters before she her pupils dilated enough, having gotten used to the pictures. Her cheeks heated up for some reason, and despite knowing she should have merely taken one or two looks at the image before discarding it, her eyes refused to comply.

She chalked that up to the fact she only saw him without his glasses only once or twice before. With them, he blended into the background stunningly well, oftentimes seen as 'their weird guy' because who wore shades indoors? Without those glasses, he'd stand out, without a doubt. Girls would target him as he walked by, surprised that the seemingly awkward, average guy suddenly received unleashed his hidden yang or e-boy, adding 10 points to his previous 6/10 ranking in looks.

The weird feeling in Dallas's stomach heightened her discomfort. Not only that, but her confusion grew stronger too, to the point conflict was the only thing she knew.

It was the same feeling she got when she and Sebastian started dating and even occasionally still, but multiplied by two points, intensified, stronger.

Dallas didn't like it, not one bit.


"Um, I have a question. So ... how do you know when you have a crush on someone?"

Leila stared into the camera, her bright blue eyes widening.

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