| For The Journal |

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Thank you so much for everyone who has been reading, commenting, and or voting. I really appreciate it :D also, I will now be updating once a week on Fridays.

Without further ado...

Without further ado

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7:29 p.m.

hey T,

for the journal, i was thinking

what kind of look are we going for?

i remembered that Ms. Troublefield marks heavily for creativity and innovation

what if we tell it like it's a story or something?

what do u think?

7:40 p.m.

oh you're not online T_T

i summon thee

abra -kada -cookie cutter!!

ignore that please. you can reply when you get on (シ_ _)シ


i was thinking a retro story feel

for example, when we first started extra credit and why, feelings and opinions etc

then we can add pictures according to the dates and times we (you) took them

then add some notes here and there

and maybe at the end when this is all over, we can take a few more pictures and state what we learned about parenting

we obviously can't complain about how much Penelope cries ;-; which is a lot


did you fall asleep already?

reply whenever you get a chance

Penelope started crying a while ago, so i had to silence her. she can be impossible at times -_-


she's sleeping now. disregard my crappy phone camera


let me know what you think when you get on

or we can discuss it in class tomorrow

or we can just ditch the stupid idea overall

okay, i'll stop spamming you now lol

good night


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