38 | Invitation to Canada

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LYING ON HIS BACK WITH HIS OVERGROWN HAIR sprawled over his forehead, Mathias stared at the tiny light bulb in the ceiling above him, half asleep.

His phone buzzed next to his head.

A voice message from Beckett. Even though he could already guess what it would say, he tapped the play button and moved the speaker close to his ear.

"Mathias, have you decided yet?"

Propping himself up on his elbows, he positioned his cursor in the dialog box and readied his fingers to type up a while epilogue.

But first, what excuse could he use on Beckett? What could he say that she couldn't ultimately see through and call him out in?

Mathias rolled over onto his belly as he pondered his limited options. A green circle and the words 'online' were marked as Beckett's status, a sign she was undoubtedly waiting for his response because, besides Eden and Mathias, she didn't have many friends either.

"I've never been out of the country before."

"And I don't have any winter clothes."

In response to this, Beckett sent an eye roll emoji. The typing bubble appeared above the chat boy, and seconds later, a message came in with a ping. Another voice message.

"You heard what Sebastian said. He said we don't have to worry about anything. Just pack some basic stuff and come."

And that was what puzzled Mathias to no end.

Why would Sebastian, the guy who obviously hated his guts, ever invite Mathias, a stranger, to come on such a long-distance trip with his girlfriend and other friends? Mathias forced out a mouthful of air, causing his hair to flip out of his eyes and fall on his cheek. Minutes of racking his head for feasible reasoning, but none came. As he emptily stared into space, he caught sight of a tiny piece of paper on his nightstand. Though already knowing it, Mathias reached for it and stared at the series of digits penned on the thin material.



"I don't know anyone there."

"That doesn't even qualify as an excuse -_-"

"That's why you go out and meet people. That is what you call socializing. Besides, don't you know Dallas? She told us she'd be there. Duh."

Mathias glowered at Beckett's response for a long moment. Of course, she'd say something snarky like that. And of course, he knew Dallas would be there. Why wouldn't she? She was Sebastian's girlfriend, and he made that loud and clear time and time again with his body language.

The most logical reason for Sebastian's action was that he was planning something. Nothing was strictly black or white.

But then again, maybe Mathias was just paranoid.

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