1 | Sebastian Alejandro

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THE SHRILL, INCESSANT BUZZING OF THE ALARM on the nightstand woke Dallas with a start that morning, luring her out of her peaceful slumber.

Disoriented, she almost toppled over the side of the bed as she reached over to hit the snooze button on the annoying alarm clock. She sat up, groaning and mumbling to herself as she stretched, her joints popping in delight and the streak of sunlight that slithered past the dark blinds signifying that it was already a new day. Eager to get up and start her morning early, Dallas threw the sheets off her legs and attempted to get out of bed, but a pair of hands tightened around her waist. She glanced down to see her boyfriend still snuggled up to her beneath the white duvet, eyes closed, still fast asleep.

Across the bed, Dallas saw a half-full bowl of buttery popcorn they abandoned throughout the night, mainly to blame for their 'Netflix and Chill' session the night before - except they hadn't done any 'chilling.' Dallas's orders, and surprisingly, Sebastian complied without his usual monolog complaint.

Dallas gazed down at him for a while, taking in the sight of his taut abdominal muscles peeking out from where the covers fell away from his frame, leaving a part of his lower body bare. The strands of his amber hair pulled in all directions known to man from sleeping so messily, and finally, the fine line of crust trailed from the corner of his lip and disappeared where his face met the pillow. She followed the tips of her finger down his sharp cheekbone, reveling in how gorgeous he could be even while asleep. He stirred, and that's when Dallas retracted her hand and worked on carefully disentangling their limbs so she could escape, the massive water bed bouncing and shifting at the slightest movement.

Strong arms ensnared her hips, tugging her back in.

"Babe?" her boyfriend questioned, his breath hot against the bare skin of her shoulder. Still asleep, his eyebrows knitted together, voice husky and low whenever he spoke. "Where are you going?"


"What?" Sebastian murmured, the crease between his eyebrows deepening. "No. Just stay here. You're warm." he snuggled closer to her to prove his point, and Dallas couldn't help wanting to cackle.

"I have to pee, Seb. Just give me a minute," Dallas gently cooed as though speaking to a tiny child who wouldn't release a jar of candy. Sebastian's eyes pinched before they cracked open, revealing the deep silver shimmering in the depths of his eyes, hidden under his curly eyelashes.

He eyed her suspiciously. "You're not gonna up and leave again, are you?" he questioned. "You always run off in the mornings, and I don't get it. I'm your boyfriend, aren't I?" his tone morphed into a low whine, like a little child's. Dallas found it cute. She chuckled and playfully pinched his nose.

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